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Environmental Health Department <br />Facility Name and Address: OAK PARK POOL-COS, 3545 ALVARADO AVE, STOCKTON 95204 <br />Swimming Pool Official Inspection Report <br /> #5 Restrooms and Showers <br />OBSERVATIONS: The restrooms were lacking soap, paper towels, and toilet paper in dispensers. Provide soap, paper <br />towels, and toilet paper in dispensers today. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pool operator shall ensure the following facilities are maintained and kept clean: showers, toilets, dressing <br />facilities, drinking fountains, diaper-changing stations, floors, walls, partitions, doors, and lockers. Showers (except outside) shall be <br />provided with soap in dispensers. Toilet facilities shall be provided with toilet tissue, hand soap, and paper towels or hot air blowers in <br />permanently installed dispensers. Pool operator shall provide a minimum of one waste receptacle in each toilet facility. Wooden slats, <br />duckboards and footbaths are prohibited. ( CCR 65535, 65551) Showers and lavatories shall be provided with hot and cold water faucets. <br />Maximum water temperature at showers and lavatories shall not exceed 110*F. (CBC 3116B) <br /> #7 Pool Deck <br />OBSERVATIONS: Observed raised concrete pads on southeast pool deck. Shave/resurface pool deck within 3 weeks. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: An unobstructed 4-foot wide deck of concrete or like material shall be provided and maintained flush with the <br />top of the pool coping. Deck shall extend completely around the pool and shall further extend 4 feet on both sides and to the rear of any <br />diving board, ADA device, or slide. (CBC 3114B) Pool operator shall keep the pool deck well maintained. (CCR 65535) <br /> #9 Ladders and Handrails <br />OBSERVATIONS: All the ladder hand rails were loose. Secure ladder hand rails today. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: A means of entry and exit shall be provided at both the shallow and deep end of the pool. Ladders and <br />handrails shall be corrosion resistant and shall be rigidly installed. At least one handrail shall extend from the deck to not less than a point <br />above the top of the lowest step. Handrails shall be installed between 28 to 36 inches above the steps and deck. (CBC 3111B) Pool <br />operator shall keep ladders and handrails well maintained. (CCR 65535) <br /> #13 Cyanuric Acid Concentration <br />OBSERVATIONS: The cyanuric acid was over 100 ppm. Maintain cyanuric acid between 0-100 ppm when operating. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pool operator shall maintain cyanuric acid concentration between 0.0 ppm and 100 ppm. (CCR 65530) <br /> #17 Cleanliness of Pool <br />OBSERVATIONS: Observed algae growth on bottom and sides of pool and in west skimmers. Clean and maintain pool <br />surfaces free of slime and algae. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pool operator shall maintain clean pool water while the pool is in use and shall not allow debris to accumulate <br />in the pool. Pool operator shall clean the bottom, sides, and other surfaces of the pool as often as necessary to keep pool surfaces clean <br />and free of slime and algae. (CCR 65533) <br />Page 2 of 3EHD 36-01 Rev. 09/16/2020 Swimming Pool OIR <br />FA0002279 PR0360410 SC001 08/09/2022 <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue | Stockton, California 95205 | T 209 468-3420 | F 209 464-0138 |