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PS -2201999 <br />SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR <br />PG&E — CHEROKEE RD. — PM# 35314133 <br />ENCROACHMENT PERMIT <br />June 16, 2022 <br />Maintain traffic controls for all roads. Traffic control delays shall not exceed 15 minutes. <br />Two-way traffic shall be maintained during non -working hours with excavated areas backfilled or <br />plated. During working hours, two-way traffic control shall be maintained with one lane open and <br />appropriate flaggers. <br />2. Access to all properties shall be maintained at all times except when work is occurring at the <br />access point. Minimal delays will be allowed to provide access within the work zone area. <br />Driveway access shall be fully restored at the end of each workday. Driveways disturbed by the <br />contractor shall be replaced with in-kind or better materials. <br />3. Residents and businesses shall be notified in writing, as approved by the County, 48 hours in <br />advance of any impacts to their access. <br />4. Any areas where parking is to be restricted shall have signs noting the restrictions in place at <br />least 48 hours in advance. <br />5. School Buses shall be passed through the work zone with minimal delays. <br />6. Existing fences shall not be removed without written consent of the property owner. Such consent <br />shall be submitted to the County prior to the removal. Fences removed shall be restored with in- <br />kind or better materials. Restored fences shall not encroach into County right-of-way. <br />7. Work shall not be permitted within the San Joaquin County right-of-way between November 1 and <br />March 31 without prior authorization from the San Joaquin County Department of Public Works <br />Field Engineering Division, contact them at 209-953-7421. <br />8. All destroyed or obliterated pavement markings must be replaced in kind by the permittee. Typical <br />pavement markings include but not limited to lane lines, centerlines, stop and stop ahead <br />legends, limit lines, raised pavement markers and miscellaneous delineators. <br />9. The Permittee is responsible for the preservation of survey monuments located within the area of <br />work herein permitted. Prior to the start of construction, survey monuments that potentially may <br />be disturbed shall be located and referenced by a Licensed Land Surveyor, and a Corner Record <br />filed with the County Surveyor. Any Survey Monuments disturbed during the course of <br />construction shall be reestablished by a Licensed Land Surveyor and another Corner Record filed <br />with the County Surveyor. (Land Surveyors' Act Section 8771) <br />10. All pipe and pipeline related facilities including, but not limited to, valves, utility boxes and vaults, <br />and frames and covers shall be maintained by PG&E, including any facilities that are abandoned <br />in place. PG&E shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with the removal, relocation <br />and/or adjustment of these facilities as determined by the County at PG&E's expense. (Streets <br />and Highways Code Section 1463) <br />11. All future maintenance of the pipeline and related facilities within the County right-of-way will <br />require a San Joaquin County Encroachment Permit. <br />