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SAN 1OAQUIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> SITE APPROVAL/USE PERMIT <br /> --- ...COUNTY --- <br /> FILE NUMBER: <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION <br /> (/attach additional shoots as necessary) <br /> ::V Topography <br /> Describe the project site's topography: M& nAL <br /> Describe any existing drainage courses or eroded areas on or near the project site: <br /> Biological Resources-••:...•:77 ' <br /> Describe any wild!'de habitat or species on-site: <br /> Identify any waterways and/or riparian habitat that may be disturbed by the proposed project:(See Chapter 9-1510 of the <br /> Development Title for Riparian Habitat Regulations): <br /> rt <br /> Identify any Native Oak trees,Heritage Oak trees or Historical trees that may be disturbed by the proposed project:(See Chapter 9- <br /> 1505 of the Development Title for Tree Regulations): <br /> tv0r� <br /> . Guttate/Ftesout+cea.:.,.- <br /> Describe any items of historical or archaeological interest on-site: <br /> Page 4 of 6 <br /> 08/13/2021 <br />