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Geosyntec <br /> consultants <br /> 4.4.3 Leak Testing <br /> After each soil vapor probe location passes a shut-in test,a leak test will be conducted during vapor <br /> well purging. Laboratory-grade helium will be used for the leak test to check for ambient air <br /> leakage through the annular seal between the soil vapor probe and the ground surface. A shroud <br /> will be temporarily installed at the ground surface around each well and helium will be added to <br /> the shroud, with the helium concentration ranging approximately between 20% and 40%. The <br /> concentrations of helium in the shroud and the purge samples will be measured with a field helium <br /> detector. The purge samples will be considered acceptable if the helium concentration is less than <br /> 5% of the minimum shroud concentration, consistent with recommendations in the Advisory <br /> (DTSC, 2015). <br /> 4.4.4 Purge and Sampling Rate <br /> Prior to sampling,air will be purged from each soil vapor probe to remove stagnant or ambient air <br /> and collect samples that are representative of subsurface conditions. A minimum of three casing <br /> volumes will be purged prior to sampling,consistent with recommendations in the Advisory.Purge <br /> volumes will be calculated based on the volume of the void space in the tubing plus an estimate of <br /> the void space in the sand filter pack of each soil vapor probe. <br /> The wells will be purged by drawing soil vapor from the formation using a lung box to fill a 1-liter <br /> TedlarT M bag.The purged soil vapor will be screened in the field using a PID and a helium detector. <br /> The purge volume for each sample location will be recorded. Soil vapor will be purged from each <br /> location at an approximate flow rate of 200 milliliters per minute. <br /> 4.4.5 Soil Vapor Sampling and Analysis <br /> After completion of shut-in testing, leak testing, and purging, soil vapor samples will be collected <br /> through dedicated Nylaflow tubing attached to each probe with airtight fittings into 1-liter <br /> SummaTM canisters. Soil vapor samples will be collected until the vacuum on the SummaTM <br /> canister decreases from 30 inches of mercury to approximately 5 inches of mercury. One duplicate <br /> sample will be collected using a "tee"-fitting that splits the soil vapor sample between to two <br /> canisters. SummaTM canisters will be shipped to an analytical laboratory for analysis of 1,2-DCP, <br /> 1,2,3-TCP, DBCP and chloroform. <br /> 4.5 Groundwater Sampling <br /> Immediately after completion of the soil vapor sampling, samples will be collected from <br /> groundwater monitoring wells MW-513 and MW-713 for analysis of 1,2-DCP, 1,2,3-TCP, DBCP <br /> and chloroform. Groundwater sampling will be performed after conclusion of soil gas sampling <br /> to avoid potential issues associated with perturbing the soil gas in the vadose zone near to the soil <br /> gas probes, which may occur during the purging and/or sampling of the monitoring wells. <br /> 4.5.1 Depth to Groundwater Measurements <br /> Depth to groundwater will be measured to the nearest 0.01 foot in MW-513 and MW-713 with a <br /> graduated electronic water level sounder from the surveyed datum located at the top of the well <br /> casing. The electronic sounder will be decontaminated before and after use at each monitoring <br /> well. <br /> Work Plan for Vapor Intrusion Investigation 8 July 30,2021 <br />