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Geosyntec <br /> consultants <br /> 3. INVESTIGATION OBJECTIVES AND APPROACH <br /> The objectives of this investigation are as follows: <br /> • Investigate soil vapor concentrations at select on-Site locations; <br /> • Evaluate the correlation of select VOCs (1,2,3-TCP, 1,2-DCP, 1,2-dibromo-3- <br /> chloropropane [DBCP], and chloroform) concentrations in soil vapor and shallow <br /> groundwater; and <br /> • Confirm that the 2005 Threshold Concentrations are protective of human health or, if <br /> warranted, establish new Threshold Concentrations based on Site-specific data and <br /> updated residential soil vapor environmental screening levels (ESLs). <br /> Soil vapor samples will be collected from two on-Site locations(Figure 3). On-Site locations were <br /> selected for three primary reasons: <br /> 1. 1,2-DCP and 1,2,3-TCP Groundwater Concentrations:the locations were chosen based <br /> on the 1,2-DCP and 1,2,3-TCP concentrations observed in the most recent groundwater <br /> monitoring event on February 18, 2021, and were selected to include locations where <br /> groundwater monitoring data indicate the highest concentrations (at monitoring well <br /> MW-513)and near-highest concentrations(at monitoring well MW-713)of 1,2-DCP and <br /> 1,2,3-TCP (Geosyntec, 2021). Therefore, soil gas probes will be installed <br /> approximately 10 to 15 feet to the east of wells MW-513 and MW-713, respectively. By <br /> evaluating soil vapor concentrations at on-Site locations with highest or near-highest <br /> groundwater concentrations of 1,2-DCP and 1,2,3-TCP, a "worst-case" scenario will <br /> be assessed for soil vapor concentrations; <br /> 2. Vadose Zone Lithology: based on review and comparison of boring logs from on-Site <br /> and off-Site locations, the vadose zone at both areas appears to be consistent in that <br /> fine-grained material predominates(Geomatrix,2008;APEX,2018;Geosyntec,2019); <br /> and <br /> 3. Accessibility: no access constraints are present at the two proposed on-Site locations. <br /> and there will be no need for access agreements. <br /> At each proposed location, soil vapor probes will be installed in adjacent borings at approximately <br /> 5 and 10 ft bgs using direct push technology (DPT). The actual locations and depths may be <br /> modified depending on field conditions and access constraints. Soil cores will be collected during <br /> drilling and will be visually logged and screened for the presence of VOCs using a hand-held <br /> photoionization detector(PID). After the borehole is advanced at each location, soil vapor probes <br /> will be constructed in the borehole and,following an equilibration time of two to 48 hours,sampled <br /> in accordance with the California Department of Toxic Substances Control's (DTSC) Active Soil <br /> Gas Advisory (Advisory; DTSC, 2015). Soil vapor samples will be submitted to a State-of- <br /> California certified analytical laboratory under chain-of-custody procedures for analyses of 1,2,3- <br /> TCP, 1,2-DCP,DBCP,and chloroform. During soil vapor probe installation,physical soil samples <br /> will be collected using a slide hammer. In addition, groundwater samples will be collected from <br /> monitoring wells MW-513 and MW-713. <br /> Work Plan for Vapor Intrusion Investigation 4 July 30,2021 <br />