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April 18, 2022 <br />Z054000033 <br />Mr. Alan Buehler <br />Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board <br />11020 Sun Valley Drive, Suite 200 <br />Rancho Cordova, California 95370 <br />Subject: Workplan for Additional Off -Site Groundwater Delineation and On -Site Soil Vapor <br />Sampling, Farmer Property/Former Toyota Town Inc., 610 North Hunter Street, <br />Stockton, California <br />Dear Mr. Buehler: <br />ATC Group Services LLC (ATC) doing business as Atlas Technical (Atlas) has prepared this workplan on <br />behalf of Ms. Linda Wilson, to perform additional off-site groundwater delineation and on-site soil vapor <br />investigation activities for the site located at 610 North Hunter Street in Stockton, California (Figure 1). <br />The purpose of the additional groundwater delineation is to evaluate the potential presence of dissolved <br />petroleum hydrocarbons off site and downgradient of the source area at selected depths below the <br />potentiometric surface. The purpose of the soil vapor investigation is to evaluate the potential presence <br />of petroleum hydrocarbon vapors beneath the southeastern portion of the footprint of the former <br />building that was located in the western portion of the site. <br />The scope of work described by this workplan includes advancing one CPT boring with a companion <br />hydropunch boring, installing two temporary soil vapor points, collecting groundwater and vapor samples <br />for analyses, and preparing a report describing the investigation activities and making recommendations <br />for additional investigation activities, if warranted. The scope of work is described in detail in the following <br />paragraphs. <br />PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS <br />On October 61, 19871 Al <br />Williamson, General Contractor, removed three underground storage tanks (USTs) <br />from the site; two of the USTs were 1,000 -gallon capacity used to store leaded gasoline and one the third <br />UST was 550 -gallon capacity used to store waste oil. Soil samples collected after the tank removals <br />contained elevated concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). <br />On January 21, 1988, Falcon Energy, attempted to remove contaminated soil by over -excavating soil in <br />the vicinity of the former UST locations. The former tank locations were excavated to approximately 22 <br />feet below ground surface (bgs) and were limited to the north by the on-site building. The confirmation <br />samples collected from the base of the over -excavation contained elevated concentrations of VOCs. The <br />excavated soil was transported to the Forward Landfill near Stockton, California for disposal. <br />On June 30 and July 1, 1997, Smith Technology personnel supervised the advancement of seven soil <br />borings (SB1 through SB7) to evaluate the lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil and groundwater <br />1117 Lone Palm Ave, Suite 201 B, Modesto, CA 95351 <br />209.579.2221 I <br />