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Use Data dated February 20, 2019 (Plates 6 and 7). According to the nitrate map, three <br />wells within a one -mile radius of the subject Site have been tested for nitrate. Nitrate <br />was detected at a concentration between 0.1 and 5.0 mg/L-N in one of the wells, and at <br />concentrations between 5.1 and 10 mg/L-N in the other two wells. According to the <br />DBCP map, two wells within a one -mile radius of the Site have been tested for DBCP. <br />DBCP was not detected in either well. <br />On -Site Wells <br />A domestic well is located on the Site (Plate 3). Two documents related to the well <br />were identified for the Site from among the files of the San Joaquin County <br />Environmental Health Department: <br />• October 2019 well completion report. The well was completed to a total depth of <br />320 feet, and the static water level was reported as 130 feet. <br />• October 2019 permit for the above new well. <br />These permits have been included in Appendix 4 of this report. <br />Water Sample <br />Live Oak collected a water sample from the domestic well on the Site on May 2, 2022. <br />The sample was analyzed for nitrate and dibromochloropropane (DBCP) per San <br />Joaquin County Environmental Health Department policy. <br />As required by the laboratory, the sample was collected in a plastic container and three <br />glass vials for nitrate and DBCP analysis, respectively. Trip blanks were also utilized. <br />The sample was placed on ice and transported under chain of custody to FGL <br />Environmental, Stockton. <br />Nitrate was detected in the water sample at a concentration of 1.4 mg/L-N. DBCP was <br />not detected in the sample. The laboratory analytical results are attached as Appendix <br />5 of this report. <br />Nitrate is commonly detected in shallow ground water aquifers of the Central Valley. <br />Application of fertilizers, livestock waste, and untreated septic tank waste can all <br />contribute to nitrate in ground water. Nitrate is mobile and tends to accumulate in <br />shallow ground water zones. Based on work in the Sacramento Valley from the early <br />1900s, it is estimated that under "natural" conditions, ground water contains nitrate at <br />concentrations no more then about 3 mg/L-N. Nitrate may be increasing in areas with <br />concentrations of 5.5 mg/L-N or more (Hull, 1984). The US EPA has set the Maximum <br />Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate at 10 mg/L-N. <br />LOGE 2226 Page 4 <br />