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Geosyntec <br /> �UI IJUIt31its <br /> 2. BACKGROUND <br /> The Site is a 30-acre retail shopping center in Stockton, California where several dry-cleaners <br /> conducted business and disposed wastewater containing tetrachloroethylene (PCE) into sanitary <br /> sewer lines beginning in the late 1950's(Figure 2).These historical waste disposal practices caused <br /> PCE and its degradation products to impact soil and groundwater beneath and downgradient of the <br /> Site, including the northern parking lot which is located in the vicinity of one of the former source <br /> areas. <br /> The Site soil vapor clean-up goal of 603 4g/m3 (commercial CHHSL for PCE) was achieved <br /> through historic SVE activities in the northern parking lot including several rounds of SVE <br /> optimization and confirmation testing (Geosyntec, 2013). The SVE system was operated in this <br /> area for over 10 years. The CVRWQCB approved closure of the on-Site soil source areas and <br /> decommissioning of the SVE system in 2013 (Cal/EPA RWQCB,2014). Between 1998 and 2016, <br /> historical groundwater remediation activities have largely remediated groundwater impacts under <br /> the northern parking lot with only low-level residual concentrations remaining as suggested by <br /> recent concentrations at MW-007A and MW-009A (Geosyntec, 2021a). <br /> As described in the Vapor Intrusion Assessment Report (Geosyntec, 2021 a), elevated PCE <br /> concentrations of up to 22,000 4g/m3 were reported in shallow soil vapor at SG-100, a permanent <br /> soil vapor sampling probe located within the previously remediated northern parking lot. <br /> Additional investigation conducted in early 2021 utilizing temporary soil vapor probes showed <br /> that the lateral and vertical extent of the PCE impacts was generally localized to the vicinity of <br /> SG-100(Geosyntec,2021 b;Figure 2).PCE concentrations were generally found in two main depth <br /> intervals, from 5 to 10 feet below ground surface (bgs) localized around SG-100, and from 15 to <br /> 20 feet bgs immediately to the north of SG-100, suggesting residual PCE mass sorbed onto low <br /> permeability soils volatilizing into previously remediated higher permeability intervals. <br /> Notwithstanding the elevated PCE soil vapor concentrations near SG-100, PCE was not reported <br /> in indoor air samples in nearby buildings demonstrating that Site-specific attenuation factors of <br /> approximately 0.001 to 0.0007, developed from data collection, are significantly lower than the <br /> default factor of 0.03 being suggested in pending guidance (Geosyntec, 2021b; CVRWQCB, <br /> 2021). Vapor intrusion as a result of the northern parking lot impacts is not a concern. <br /> The residual groundwater impacts at MW-007A and MW-009A as described previously,are likely <br /> a result of residual PCE mass sorbed onto the historic capillary fringe immediately overlying the <br /> groundwater table (Geosyntec, 2021 b). <br /> Northern Parking Lot Remedial Plan 2 August 6,2021 <br />