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SANAAQUIN <br /> Environmental Health Department <br />COUNTY <br />Time In: 1:04 pm <br />Time Out: 1:40 pm <br />COMPLAINT INSPECTION REPORT <br />Name of Facility: DON JOSE'S RESTAURANT Date: 09/09/2022 <br />Address: 2184 E MAIN Si STOCKTON 95205 <br />Owner/Operator: Telephone: (209) 462-7002 <br />Program Element: 1600- FOOD PROGRAM Complaint #: C00055197 <br />Responsible Party Contact: <br />DESCRIPTION OF COMPLAINT ALLEGATIONS <br />The San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department received the following complaint: <br />THE RESTAURANT IS DIRTY ITS NOT SANITARY BY ANY MEANS. <br />VIOLATIONS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS <br />Items listed on this report as violations do not meet the requirements set forth in the California Health and Safety Code commencing with section 7; <br />113700. All violations must be corrected within specified timeframe. Violations that are classified as "MAJOR" pose an immediate threat to public health <br />and have the potential to cause foodbome illness. All major violations must be corrected immediately. Non-compliance may warrant immediate closure of <br />the food facility. <br />OVERALL INSPECTION NOTES AND COMMENTS <br />FOOD ITEM -- LOCATION --TEMP ° F -- COMMENTS <br />No Temperature Data Collected <br />NOTES <br />Complaint investigation. Met with Fernando, restaurant manager. Discussed complaint. Manager consented to the inspection. <br />He indicated that he had an issue with a female customer on the weekend of the complaint and believes she was the one who <br />complained about the restaurant. Inspected food storage, prep, and service areas. No major violations were identified. <br />Inspection report was mailed to facility. <br />The person in charge is responsible for ensuring that the above mentioned facility is in compliance with all applicable sections of the California Health and <br />Safety Code. If a reinspection is required, fees will be assessed at the current hourly rate. <br />Received by: Name and Title: , <br />EH Specialist: CLAUDIA MURO Phone: (209) 561-8923 <br />FA0003282 C00055197 SC004 09/09/2022 <br />EH D 16-23 Rev. 01/07/2021 Page 1 of 1 Complaint Inspection Report <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 I T 209 468-3420 I F 209 464-0138 I