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<br />SANJOAQUIN <br /> Environmental Health Department <br />' —COUNTY---- <br />t rrs hrrr <br />Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator Inspection Report <br />Facility Name: <br />R & A Auto Dismantling <br />Facility Phone: <br />(209) 200-6674 <br />Date: <br />June 07, 2022 <br />Facility Address: <br />826 N Sacramento St, Lodi, CA 95240 <br />CERS ID: <br />10754989 <br />Inspection Contact: <br />Ameer Hamza <br />Title: <br />Manager <br />Phone: <br />(209) 426-1859 <br />Inspection Type: <br />ROUTINE INSPECTION - Operating Permit <br />Program: <br />2220 - SM HW GEN <5 TONS/YR <br />Consent For: <br />ElInspection 1=1 Photos 111 Samples <br />Consent Given By: <br />Ameer Hamza, Manager <br />Amount of hazardous waste generated <br />in the last calendar year (Jan-Dec): 0.87 tons <br />EPA/State ID: <br />CAL000444816 <br />CCR = Title 22 California Code of Regulations HSC = Health and Safety Code CFR = Code of Federal Regulations <br />V = Violation R = Repeat violation COS = Corrected on site during inspection <br />Record Keeping/Documentation <br />101 CCR 66262.12 Managed a hazardous waste without an identification number oV DR DCOS <br />102 CCR 66262.11 Failed to determine if a waste is a hazardous waste DV DR aCOS <br />103 CCR 66262.40(c) Failed to retain hazardous waste determination including waste analysis on site for 3 years oV DR oCOS <br />104 CCR 66262.34(d)(2) No modified contingency plan oV DR oCOS <br />105 CCR 66262.34(d)(2) No emergency coordinator available for emergency response oV oR oCOS <br />106 CCR 66262.34(d)(2) Failed to train employees on waste handling and emergency procedures oV oR DCOS <br />107 CCR 66262.20 Failed to prepare manifests for transportation of hazardous waste DV oR oCOS <br />108 CCR 66262.23(a) Failed to complete, sign or date manifest; or obtain dated signature of transporter oV oR oCOS <br />109 CCR 66262.23(a)(4) Failed to send paper originated generator manifest copies to DTSC within 30 days DV oR oCOS <br />110 CCR 66262.40(a) Failed to keep signed copy of manifests from the designated facility for three years oV oR oCOS <br />111 CCR 66262.42(a)(c)(d) Failed to comply with uniform hazardous waste manifest exception requirements oV R a. COS <br />112 CCR 66268.7(a) Failed to make determination for land disposal oV DR oCOS <br />113 HSC 25160.2(b)(3) Failed to keep copies of consolidated manifesting receipts for three years DV oR oCOS <br />114 HSC25160.2(b)(4) Consolidated manifest receipts failed to contain complete information oV (JR COS <br />115 CCR 66266.81(a)(4)(B) Failed to retain copy of manifest or bill of lading for spent lead acid batteries for 3 years oV oR oCOS <br />116 HSC 25143.10 Failed to provide recyclable material information to claim the exclusion or exemption oV R a COS <br />117 HSC 25185(c)(3) Failed to submit a written response within 30 days of receiving an inspection report NV DR DCOS <br />118 HSC 25110.10(d) Failure to annually submit notification of generator intent to remotely consolidate hazardous waste oV oR oCOS <br />119 HSC 25404(e)(4) Failed to report accurate program data in the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) oV oR oCOS <br />120 HSC 25250.18, <br />25250.19 <br />Failed to maintain written record for each shipment of recycled or exempted oil for 3 years oV DR oCOS <br />Treatment, Transport and Disposal <br />201 HSC 25163(5) Failure to use a DTSC registered transporter to transport hazardous waste DV ER oCOS <br />202 HSC 25189.5(a) Disposed or caused disposal of hazardous waste at an unauthorized point oV R a COS <br />203 HSC 25189.5(c) Transported or caused transportation of hazardous waste to an unauthorized point DV DR oCOS <br />204 HSC 25201(a) Failed to obtain appropriate permit to accept, treat, store or dispose of a hazardous waste DV DR aCOS <br />205 HSC 25250.7 Failed to prevent contamination of used oil with other hazardous waste DV DR oCOS <br />FA0024782 PR0543626 SC001 06/07/2022 <br />EHD 22-01 Rev. 9/16/2020 <br />Page 1 of 5 <br /> Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator OIR <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 I T 209 468-3420 I F 209 464-0138 I