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Environmental Health Department <br />Facility Name and Address: COCINA DEL REAL #82897K2, 730 S CALIFORNIA ST, STOCKTON 95205 <br />Mobile Food Facility Official Inspection Report <br /> #64 Lack of Proper Owner Identification <br />OBSERVATIONS: The mobile food facility currently lacks the correct zip code in one-inch font. Post this information on <br />each side of the mobile food unit within one week. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: 1. The business name or the name of the operator, city state and ZIP code, and the name of the permittee if <br />different from the business name is not clearly visible on the customer side of the mobile food facility. [§114299(a)] 2. Business or <br />operator name is not at least 3 inches high and address is not one inch high. [§114299(b)] 3. Sign is not in contrasting color with the <br />vehicle exterior. [§114299(b)] 4. For a motorized vehicle and a mobile support unit, the sign is not present on both sides of vehicle. <br />[§114299(c)] <br /> #75 Noncompliance with Safety Requirements <br />OBSERVATIONS: The fire extinguisher on-site requires servicing. Recharge/replace the fire extinguisher today. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: 1. No first aid kit is available. First aid kit is not convenient. First aid kit is not in an enclosed case. 2. For <br />mobile food facilities that operate in more than one location during the day, food equipment and utensils are not equipped or stored so as <br />to prevent movement, spillage, or breakage in the event of a sudden stop, collision or overturn. 3. Light bulbs and tubes are not <br />completely enclosed with a plastic safety shield or equivalent. 4. There is no easily accessible and properly charged fire extinguisher <br />available. 5. There is no properly labeled, appropriately sized and located, second exit from an occupiable mobile food facility. 6. <br />Insulation is lacking from gas fired appliances. [§114323] <br />Chlorine (Cl): <br />Name on Food Safety Certificate:Expiration Date: <br />ppmQuaternary Ammonia (QA): <br />Heat:ppm º FWarewash Water/Hot Water Ware Sink Temp:º F <br />Hand Sink Temp:º F <br />OBSERVATIONS <br /> 112 <br /> 101 <br />Alfonsina Real July 29, 2024 <br />OVERALL INSPECTION NOTES AND COMMENTS <br />Two door Artic Air prep cooler -- 41.00º F <br />FOOD ITEM -- LOCATION -- TEMP º F -- COMMENTS <br />NOTES <br />Routine inspection. No major violations. Time given for correction of minor violations. No re-inspection. <br />Ok to issue 2023 permit. <br />Discussed inspection report with Fransisca Aguilar (Owner). Official inspection report was emailed to operator. <br />Maintain copy of inspection report on site. <br />To minimize person-to-person contact, the signature of the person receiving the inspection report was not captured. <br />Page 2 of 3EHD 16-23 Rev. 09/16/2020 Mobile Food Facility OIR <br />FA0025614 PR0545019 SC001 03/30/2023 <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue | Stockton, California 95205 | T 209 468-3420 | F 209 464-0138 |