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BODY ART FACILITY INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL PLAN GUIDELINE <br />In accordance with the California Health and Safety Code, Section 119313, a body art facility shall <br />maintain and follow a written Infection Prevention and Control Plan, provided by the owner or <br />established by the practitioners, specifying procedures to achieve compliance with the Safe Body Art <br />Act. A copy of the Infection Prevention and Control Plan shall be filed with the Environmental Health <br />Division and a copy maintained in the body art facility. <br />The body art facy owner shall provide onsite training on the facility's Infection Prevention and <br />Control Plan to the body art practitioners and employees or individuals involved with decontamination <br />and sterilization procedures. <br />Training shall be provided when tasks where occupational exposures may occur are initially assigned, <br />anytime there are changes in the procedures or tasks and when new technology is adopted for use in <br />the body art facility, but not less than once each year. Records of training shall be maintained on-site <br />for three years. <br />Name of Body Art Facility: DIVAS SALON &SPA <br />Site Address: 801 S. HAM LANE SUITE E <br />City, State, Zip: LODI CA 95242 <br />Type of Body Art Facility: HAIR SALON SPA MICROBLADING/TATOOING <br />Contact Person: <br />MARIAN CHANES <br />Telephone: <br />805-260-2329 <br />A. Decontamination and Disinfection: Describe the procedures for decontaminating and <br />disinfecting of workstation Cl"d surfaces. <br />1) <br />1. Workstation surfaces/counter tops: <br />Before and after use procedures, wearing gloves, wipe down with an EPA registered disinfectant and <br />let sit for required time per label, 2) cover the area with paper towels or saran wrap, 3) check and set <br />ou <br />with <br />grip ape, pu was a in ras can wi i . <br />2. Workstation chairs/stools: <br />same as #1, above <br />3. Trays: <br />same as #1, above <br />Page 1 of 9 <br />