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Environmental Health Department <br />Time In: <br />12:10 pm <br />11:40 am <br />Time Out: <br />Program Element: 3611 - PUBLIC POOL/SPA - PRIMARY <br />Telephone: (209) 957-5707 Owner/Operator: BRE MG WATERFIELD SQUARE LLC <br />Inspection Type: ROUTINE INSPECTION - Operating Permit <br />Address: 8035 MARINERS DR, STOCKTON 95219 <br />Date: 07/18/2023Name of Facility: WATERFIELD SQUARE APARTMENTS <br />Swimming Pool Official Inspection Report <br />VIOLATIONS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS <br />Items listed on this report as violations do not meet the requirements set forth in the California Health and Safety Code section(s) 116043, 116040, & <br />116050. All violations must be corrected within specified timeframe. Violations that are classified as "MAJOR" pose an immediate threat to public health <br />and must be corrected immediately or be subject to closure pursuant to California Code of Regulations (Title 22) section 65545. <br /> #1 Pool Gates MAJOR <br />OBSERVATIONS: Pool gate near gym does not self-latch. Provide fully self-closing and self-latching gate. Corrected, pool <br />gate will be kept locked until it is self-latching. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Gates and doors leading into the pool area shall be equipped with self-closing self-latching devices. <br />Self-latching devices shall be designed to keep the gate or door securely closed. Gates and doors shall open outward from the pool area <br />except where otherwise prohibited by law. (CBC 3119B) Pool operator shall keep gates and doors leading into the pool area well <br />maintained. (CCR 65535) <br /> #7 Pool Deck <br />OBSERVATIONS: Observed hole/chipping in pool deck near shallow end pool light. Seal/repair within 1 week. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: An unobstructed 4-foot wide deck of concrete or like material shall be provided and maintained flush with the <br />top of the pool coping. Deck shall extend completely around the pool and shall further extend 4 feet on both sides and to the rear of any <br />diving board, ADA device, or slide. (CBC 3114B) Pool operator shall keep the pool deck well maintained. (CCR 65535) <br /> #9 Ladders and Handrails <br />OBSERVATIONS: The handrail was loose. Secure handrail today. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: A means of entry and exit shall be provided at both the shallow and deep end of the pool. Ladders and <br />handrails shall be corrosion resistant and shall be rigidly installed. At least one handrail shall extend from the deck to not less than a point <br />above the top of the lowest step. Handrails shall be installed between 28 to 36 inches above the steps and deck. (CBC 3111B) Pool <br />operator shall keep ladders and handrails well maintained. (CCR 65535) <br /> #17 Cleanliness of Pool <br />OBSERVATIONS: Observed debris on bottom of pool. Clean and maintain pool free of debris. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pool operator shall maintain clean pool water while the pool is in use and shall not allow debris to accumulate <br />in the pool. Pool operator shall clean the bottom, sides, and other surfaces of the pool as often as necessary to keep pool surfaces clean <br />and free of slime and algae. (CCR 65533) <br />Page 1 of 2EHD 36-01 Rev. 09/16/2020 Swimming Pool OIR <br />FA0002741 PR0360180 SC001 07/18/2023 <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue | Stockton, California 95205 | T 209 468-3420 | F 209 464-0138 |