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SAN��QQ Q U I N Environmental Health Department <br /> 1� � � iCOUNTY RECEIVED <br /> C- of,-,,s grows here <br /> JUL 0 3 2023 <br /> COTTAGE FOOD OPERATIONS (CFO) vllZON,NI � I �L IIEALHI <br /> REGISTRATION/PERMITTING RENEWAL F01411�1 <br /> CFO Bu iness Name: Owner Name: Date: <br /> CFO Physical Address: CFO City: CFO Zip: <br /> Website(If applicable): Telephone: <br /> 1. Categories: <br /> "Class A" (Direct Sales Only) $186 ❑ "Class B" (Direct & Indirect Sales) $312 <br /> 2. Prohibited Items: Initial if you agree to abide by the following:� � <br /> Foods containing cream, custard, or meat fillings are potentially hazardous and are NOT ALLOWED. Only <br /> foods that are defined as "non-potentially hazardous" are approved for preparation by a Cottage Food Operation. <br /> These foods include items that do not require refrigeration to keep them safe from bacterial growth that could be a <br /> cause of food-borne illness. <br /> 3. Products: <br /> Provide a list of all products you are preparing. If preparing jams,jellies, or fruit butters include a list of <br /> ingredients (attach separate page if needed). <br /> Food List: �© U q-,&, � _ S QJ' <br /> 4. Product Labeling: <br /> Attach one label to this form for one of your CFO products (only one label is required if only one product is <br /> made). <br /> 5. Water Source: <br /> Please check what type of water source is being used at the CFO: <br /> City Water ❑ Private Well* <br /> *If a private well, attach all updated water sample results (including quarterly bacteria and Nitrate results.) <br /> 6. Food Processor Course: <br /> Attach food handler certification for owner and each individual that were not submitted with initial application <br /> (including family members and/or employees). <br /> 1868 E. Hazelton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 1 T 209 468-3420 1 F 209 464-0138 1 <br />