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Below is the evaluation summary for the 15300 E.Sargent Road Irrigation Well (APN 05307008)-well <br /> permit application. <br /> The evaluation, with assumptions as noted, indicates that the proposed Irrigation well is located in an <br /> area of low domestic/residential well density (1 well per section), General Plan designation General <br /> Agricultural A/G (0—0.05 Dwelling units per acre) but is not likely to interfere significantly with existing <br /> off-site wells, create unreasonable groundwater level declines/reductions in aquifer storage or to create <br /> issues with infrastructure due to subsidence and it can be approved pending any other issues that you <br /> might have with the application. <br /> Summary: <br /> - The applicant proposes:well depth of 400 feet, a well grout seal of 50 feet with extraction rate— <br /> 425 GPM with anticipated pumping schedule 624,960 Gal/day in a 118.81 acre lot. <br /> - Proposed new well is in an area of low domestic/residential (0-0.05 Dwelling units per acre)well <br /> density (30-40 wells per section). At least one domestic well is located approximately 890'feet <br /> East of the proposed Ag well <br /> - Based on the extraction rate of 425 GPM,The Theis drawdown chart(Figure 1) predicts less than <br /> 5 feet of drawdown if the well is more than 100 feet away from proposed well. <br /> - Online databases do not specify any irrigation wells located within 2,000 feet of the proposed well <br /> location. <br /> - Groundwater levels estimated by DWR well data range between 98 to 110 foot below ground <br /> surface over the past fifty years. Water levels fluctuate approximately 5 to 10 feet between <br /> seasonal high and low levels. <br /> - The permit application proposes a minimum well casing/grout seal of 50 feet and appears to <br /> target the Mehrten/Valley spring(Figure 2) aquifer with water-bearing zones anticipated to be <br /> under unconfined to locally confined conditions. <br /> - The annual total extracted volume is estimated to be approximately 43 million gallons, a peak <br /> pumping rate of 425 GPM, and an annualized/seasonal pumping rate of approximately 384 <br /> GPM. <br /> - The aquifer volume below the 118.81-acre parcel contains an estimated 8,970 acre-feet of <br /> water storage.The proposed extraction volume of 356.43 acre-feet per year is approximately <br /> 4.0%of the estimated aquifer storage beneath the parcel without regard to recharge each <br /> season and is considered sustainable. <br /> - The proposed well is not located within the extents of the Corcoran Clay, subsurface water- <br /> bearing sediments are semi-consolidated to consolidated, and the proposed well is not located <br /> in an area where subsidence is currently indicated,therefore subsidence is unlikely to be of <br /> significance or to create issues. <br />