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SAN JUNIN <br /> <br />Environmental Health Departrnent <br />7. Delivery Limitation: Initial if you agree to abide by the following: <br />understand that I may aooept orders and pamen-ts via the interne( rnaA or Oone. Hcswever. all -DassA arxt <br />-Class B' CFO produds must be delved dIatly (in person) Io the customer. The CFO products may not <br />delivered via the United States Postai SerVce, UPS, FedEx or using any other indirect delivery method as <br />det',"-veries are regulated by, and 6ubject to, CDPH regisb-ation and state and federal requirements. <br />B. Owner'g. Statement: <br />• ,, <br />, "'fil n ofr V ,919(M ,ii , L . ., , . agree io grant access to the local heatlIt department to w: <br /> <br />cc,-.:,-uct or i .111011 o? my coiage food operation (mallt one) <br />"Class A": In the event of a consumer <br />con' ola nt or reported toad-borne alness <br />171 "Class B": cr regular annual facility inspections <br />and in the event of a consumer complaint or <br />food-boa illness <br />, agree to nobly the San Joaquin County Environmental <br />Health Deurtment prior to m rfying my food hst, type of operation, arK.:Por method at'selling dIsthbutIng or <br />otrenvise prowitfing my CFO products to the consume? Cer retailers, regardless of whether the product is sold, <br />cortsigne@or giver, away, <br />Ijoiortj'14, <br />Prin't Name' <br />_