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Environmental Health Department <br />Facility Name and Address: TACO BELL #34183, 16905 S HARLAN RD, LATHROP 95330 <br />Food Program Official Inspection Report <br /> #45 Floors, Walls, Ceilings; Clean and Maintained <br />OBSERVATIONS: The wall behind the fryer has dust and grease accumulation. Degrease, clean and sanitize by 2 weeks. <br />There is a missing floor tile at the floor in front of the fryer. Replace missing floor tile by 2 weeks. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: The walls / ceilings shall have durable, smooth, nonabsorbent, light-colored, and washable surfaces. All floor <br />surfaces, other than the customer service areas, shall be approved, smooth, durable and made of nonabsorbent material that is easily <br />cleanable. Approved base coving shall be provided in all areas, except customer service areas and where food is stored in original <br />unopened containers. Food facilities shall be fully enclosed. All food facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. (114143 (d), <br />114266, 114268, 114268.1, 114271, 114272) <br />Chlorine (Cl): <br />Name on Food Safety Certificate:Expiration Date: <br />ppmQuaternary Ammonia (QA): <br />Heat:ppm º FWarewash Water/Hot Water Ware Sink Temp:º F <br />Hand Sink Temp:º F <br />OBSERVATIONS <br /> 200 <br /> 122 <br /> 120 <br />needed <br />OVERALL INSPECTION NOTES AND COMMENTS <br />dine in - shredded cheese -- 33.00º F drive thru - rice -- 178.00º F <br />drive thru - chicken -- 171.00º F hot hold cabinet @ BOH -- 137.00º F <br />restroom hand sinks -- 100.00º F dine in - seasoned beef -- 186.00º F <br />dine in - diced tomatoes -- 31.00º F hot hold cabinet @ make line -- 147.00º F <br />drive thru - bubed potatoes -- 142.00º F walk-in cooler -- 36.00º F <br />drive thru - shredded cheese blend -- 40.00º F retherm water -- 181.00º F <br />1 comp food prep sink -- 125.00º F drive thru - scrambled eggs -- 167.00º F <br />dine in - refried beans -- 187.00º F 4 door make table reach in -- 33.00º F <br />FOOD ITEM -- LOCATION -- TEMP º F -- COMMENTS <br />NOTES <br />wiping cloth bucket 200 ppm Quat / Quat test strips are available <br />No signature obtained <br />Report typed in office 1:38p-1:56p <br />The person in charge is responsible for ensuring that the above mentioned facility is in compliance with all applicable sections of the California Health and <br />Safety Code. If a reinspection is required, fees will be assessed at the current hourly rate. <br />Received by: Name and Title: <br />EH Specialist:Phone:(209) 616-3025 <br />discussed w/ Asya Langley, PIC <br />KADEANNE LINHARES <br />Page 2 of 2EHD 16-23 Rev. 09/16/2020 Food Program OIR <br />FA0006593 PR0505176 SC001 10/19/2023 <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue | Stockton, California 95205 | T 209 468-3420 | F 209 464-0138 |