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The following is an itemized list of underground storage tank violations that have not <br />been addressed for WAYZ FOOD & LIQUOR WAYZ GAS & LIQUOR as of <br />January 26, 2024. <br />Open violations from December 14, 2023 inspection <br />Violation #105 - Failure to submit a complete and accurate UST Response Plan. <br />OBSERVATION: No response plan was uploaded into CERS for the new owner. <br />REGULATION GUIDANCE: The response plan must be uploaded to the California Environmental Reporting System <br />(CERS). <br />CORRECTIVE ACTION: Immediately log into CERS, upload the completed form, and submit for review by the EHD. <br />❑ This violation was corrected ❑ This violation will be corrected by (date): <br />❑ Supporting documents included <br />Describe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation: <br />Violation #107 - Failure to submit and maintain complete and current financial responsibility documents. <br />OBSERVATION: Current financial responsibility documents were not found on site. <br />REGULATION GUIDANCE: A copy of current financial responsibility documents are required to be maintained on <br />site. <br />CORRECTIVE ACTION: Immediately obtain a copy of the facility's financial responsibility documents and maintain a <br />copy on site. <br />❑ This violation was corrected ❑ This violation will be corrected by (date): <br />❑ Supporting documents included <br />Describe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation: <br />Violation #108 - Failure to implement or maintain a written agreement between the UST owner and operator. <br />OBSERVATION: The annual operating permit is not issued to the current operator and there is no written <br />agreement between the person who was issued the permit and the operator to monitor the UST system. <br />REGULATION GUIDANCE: If a permit is issued to a person other than the operator of the tank, that person shall <br />enter into a written agreement with the operator of the tank to monitor the UST system. <br />CORRECTIVE ACTION: Immediately upload the written agreement to the California Environmental Reporting <br />System (CERS) and submit for review by the EHD. <br />Page 1 of 5 <br />