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SOUTH SAN JOAQUIN GROUNDWATER SUSTAINABILITY AGENCY <br /> WELL DRILLING PERMIT APPLICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM <br /> COMPLIANCE WITH EXECUTIVE ORDER N-7-22 <br /> L18572 South Carrolton Road 245-080-66 <br /> PHYSICAL LOCATION [ADDRESS) APN <br /> By acknowledging the following, Ika -I�YJ `�� [PROPERTY OWNER or <br /> AUTHORIZED AGENT), understand that this form will !Sefiled% ith the Secretary of the South San <br /> Joaquin Groundwater Sustainability Agency and forwarded to San Joaquin or Stanislaus County affirming <br /> that the proposed well is found to not be inconsistent with the adopted Eastern San Joaquin <br /> Groundwater Sustainability Plan. <br /> ;,j OPERTY O NER or A&HO D AGENT D e <br /> v` <br /> ACKNOWLEDGMENTS <br /> Pursuant to Executive Order N-7-22,the South San Joaquin Groundwater Sustainability Agency(SSJGSA) <br /> requires that the owner of a new well acknowledges the statements below in order for the SSJGSA to <br /> conclude that the new well would not be inconsistent with the existing Eastern San Joaquin <br /> Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP)as adopted by the SSJGSA Board of Directors. <br /> 1. 1 acknowledge that the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act requires that a groundwater <br /> sustainability agency(GSA) manage groundwater and that the location of my proposed new well <br /> is in the SSJGSA within the Eastern San Joaquin Subbasin. <br /> 2. 1 acknowledge that the SSJGSA has the authority to limit extractions within its jurisdiction <br /> including extractions from my new well if permitted by San Joaquin or Stanislaus County. <br /> 3. 1 acknowledge that a well drilling permit issued by San Joaquin or Stanislaus County does not <br /> guarantee the extraction of any specific amount of water now or in the future. <br /> 4. 1 acknowledge that the Eastern San Joaquin GSP includes specific groundwater requirements <br /> including adopted minimum thresholds and measurable objectives and that I am obligated to <br /> comply with these requirements. <br /> 5. 1 acknowledge that the SSJGSA does not guarantee the maintenance of any defined <br /> groundwater level or minimum water quality in the Eastern San Joaquin Subbasin. <br /> 6. 1 acknowledge that the SSJGSA is not responsible for or otherwise liable for any costs, <br /> investments or payments related to my new well,if permitted or denied by San Joaquin or <br /> Stanislaus County, including pumping fees, extraction limits,costs related to well failure,*well <br /> deepening, increased maintenance, replacement,or operational costs. <br /> 7. 1 agree to hold the SSJGSA harmless and indemnify the SSJGSA for any liability stemming from or <br /> related to the issuance of a well drilling permit or rendered land use decision by San Joaquin or <br /> Stanislaus County. <br />