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SAN ,JOAQUIN <br />COUNTY <br />S <br />Environmental Health Department <br />Time In: 8-55 am <br />Time Out: 9:55 am <br /> <br />Swimming Pool Official Inspection Report <br />Name of Facility: ATHERTON ISLAND HOA Date: 06/15/2020 <br />Address: 1939 MOREING RD, STOCKTON 95204 <br />Owner/Operator: WESTPHAL, L M Telephone: <br />Program Element: 3611 - PUBLIC POOL/SPA- PRIMARY <br />Inspection Type: ROUTINE INSPECTION - Operating Permit <br />VIOLATIONS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS <br />Items listed on this report as violations do not meet the requirements set forth in the California Health and Safety Code section(s) 116043, 116040, & <br />116050. All violations must be corrected within specified timeframe. Violations that are classified as "MAJOR" pose an immediate threat to public health <br />and must be corrected immediately or be subject to closure pursuant to California Code of Regulations (Title 22) section 65545. <br />#1 Pool Gates <br />OBSERVATIONS: South end gate was not locked. If this gate is used, provide a "keep gate closed" sign. <br />CAL CODE DESCRIPTION: Gates and doors leading into the pool area shall be equipped with self-closing self-latching devices. <br />Self-latching devices shall be designed to keep the gate or door securely closed. Gates and doors shall open outward from the pool area <br />except where otherwise prohibited by law. (CBC 3119B) Pool operator shall keep gates and doors leading into the pool area well <br />maintained. (CCR 65535) <br />#15 Operation Records <br />OBSERVATIONS: Current readings are not available. Provide readings on site. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pool operator shall test the disinfectant residual, pH, and spa water temperature a minimum of once per day. <br />Cyanuric acid concentration shall be tested once per month if cyanuric acid is used. Combined chlorine shall be tested as often as <br />necessary to maintain the concentration below 0.4 ppm. Pool operator shall maintain written records of all maintenance and test results <br />for at least two years and shall submit those records to the enforcement agency upon request. (CCR 65523) <br />#19 Depth Markers <br />OBSERVATIONS: Deck depth makers are fading and coming off. Provide new ones by 2 weeks. <br />CAL CODE DESCRIPTION: Depth markers shall be clearly marked in the following locations: at maximum depth, at minimum depth, at <br />each end, on both sides at each end, at the slope break, and along the perimeter of the pool at distances not to exceed 25 feet. Depth <br />markers shall be 4 inches high in a contrasting color and be marked in units of feet and inches. For pool water depths 6 feet and <br />shallower, markers with universal "NO DIVING" symbol shall be installed on the deck directly adjacent to the depth markers. (CBC 3110B) <br />OVERALL INSPECTION NOTES AND COMMENTS <br />OBSERVATIONS <br />Flow rate: <br />Cyanuric acid: <br />NOTES <br />100 gpm Chlorine: 2.0 ppm Temp: ° F <br />80 ppm pH: 7.4 Combined chlorine: 0.2 ppm <br /> <br />FA0003000 PR0360309 SC001 06/15/2020 <br />EHD 36-01 Rev. 06/30/15 Page 1 of 2 <br /> Swimming Pool OIR <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 I T 209 468-3420 I F 209 464-0138 I