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6w k <br /> Chevron U.S.A. - Page 4 <br /> We propose to install a total of 3 exploratory soil borings at the subject property at <br /> -� the locations shown on the site plan which is included as Plate 2 of this proposal. The <br /> purpose of those soil borings would be to provide data regarding the presence and vertical + <br /> extent of contamination in subsoils if encountered, and installation of ground water <br /> monitoring wells. Field screening of the subsoils samples will help to describe <br /> contamination persistence In a vertical relationship to ground water. A cursory review of <br /> published ground water data suggests ground water occurs beneath the subject property at <br /> depths ranging from approximately 70 to 80 feet belgw the existing grade. <br /> Each exploratory soil boring would be completed as a ground water monitoring well, <br /> which will allow sampling of the ground water, and to identify ground water depths, <br /> gradient, direction of flow, ground water quality, and long term monitoring. Please refer <br /> to the map at the end of the text for proposed well locations. <br /> Drilling will be performed utilizing a truck mounted drill rig equipped with flight <br /> hollow-stem auger. A Dames & Moore geologist or engineer will be present during drilling to <br /> assist in obtaining relatively undisturbed samples of the subsurface materials, to maintain <br /> a log of borings, to field screen samples with a device capable of detecting volatile 1 <br /> organic hydrocarbons as a trace gas, and to make observations of the site conditions. <br /> Subsoils will be sampled at approximate 5 foot Intervals commencing at an approximate }, {✓7 } ' ` <br /> depth of p esM: oboa Modified s was lined with bleves or rings. The sampler will ,,�;:�. <br /> be advanced by blows from a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. Upon retrieval, samples <br /> will be retained for chemical analysis, and will be capped with a plastic cap over a teflon <br /> seal, and taped at each end. The samples will be placed into a cooler chest under proper <br /> chain of custody protocol for shipment to the analytical laboratory. <br /> - Between sampling attempts, the sampler will be dissassembled and washed in a trisodium <br /> phosphate (TSP) solution, rinsed twice with purified water, and reassembled with brass <br /> rings to minimize the potential of spreading contaminants among samples, if any were <br /> present. Soils will be classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System. <br /> A health and safety plan will be prepared for the work to be accomplished at the <br /> subject property prior to commencement of the field portion of the investigation. <br /> The ground water monitoring wells would be installed by means of a the truck mounted <br /> drilling rig utilizing hollow-stem auger. Each monitoring well would be constructed using <br /> -- 4 inch flush-thread pvc schedule 40 well pipe. Screened intervals would be constructed <br /> utilizing schedule 40 pvc flush-thread 0.020 inch well screen. It is anticipated that the <br /> screened interval would consist of sufficient screening to accommodate a ten foot screened <br /> intern a ove an ow Die encoun I ere oun wa er wel. The screen length in any well <br /> inst on-site wo a a- um of 20 feet in en"flig . A No. 3_,graded sand would be J <br /> use „filter media�ro a screened in and comp eted to an gguivalent de t <br /> of Z feet above the_te1L4geen. A seal composed of bentonite pellets would be p aced to an , <br /> -- <br /> approximate thickness of 3 feet atop the filter media. Thc_=maining would be r <br /> JZackfilled with a sanaLs�ment_slurry with 3(Ye bentonite added from the seal to, the urface� ; <br /> vault. A locking well head would be Installed, and a secure surface vault would be placed <br /> _ at grade for well security. The design of the proposed ground water monitoring wells is in <br /> general compliance with the State of California Department of Water Resources Bulletin 74- <br /> 88 (Draft) Monitoring Well Standards (DWR 163907). Please refer to Plate 3 <br /> at the end of the text which illustrates typical monitoring well construction. <br /> I i <br />