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Complaint Investigation Summary <br /> Report #. 5105 <br />COMPLAINT ID: CORRVAMV1 Site Location: 1555 N CHRISMAN RD <br />Activity Summary <br />Activity Date Recorded by <br />11/27/2020 Received page at 7:57 am from San Joaquin General Hospital. Operator provided MURO <br />contact information for a vehicle fire that occurred 11-26-2020. <br />I called the person who made the notification: Lillian Burns, (Environmental <br />Manager at Services Inc) at 714-496-8687. Lillian reported that the <br />vehicle fire occurred last night. The Tracy Fire Department responded and arrived <br />at 23:09 Pacific time. The fire was put out by 23:15. She reported that the initial <br />estimate was approximately 300 gallons of fuel/water mixture generated. An <br />unknown amount went into the storm drain. The storm drain leads to the onsite <br />detention basin. Lillian initially reported that Stericycle had responded to the <br />cleanup which was already complete. however, it was NRC Environmental <br />Services Inc who performed cleanup. The asphalt, storm drain, and line (20 feet) <br />was pressure-washed. All rinsate was collected. No evacuations or injuries took <br />place. <br />Called Lead Senior Michelle Henry (EHD) to discuss response. <br />9:45 AM left for cleanup verification. <br />10:25 AM Arrived onsite. Met with Lillian Burns. <br />The surface of the asphalt and storm drain were observed to have no sheen and <br />no fuel odor was detected. The fire-damaged vehicle was still onsite. Although the <br />asphalt was pressure washed under the vehicle, I observed three drops of liquid <br />that appeared to have sheen on the asphalt under the vehicle. <br />We then went across the parcel to the onsite detention basin. The entire span of <br />the onsite detention pond was dry. <br />At the end we went to the hazardous waste storage area. I observed the total <br />liquid waste generated to be two 55-gallon drums (110 gallons) of hazardous <br />waste flammable liquid was generated and stored on site. The hazmat staff <br />showed me the disposal manifest for one 55-gallon drum (200 pounds) of <br />hazardous waste solids contaminated with flammable liquids which was generated <br />from cleanup and transported offsite for disposal as hazardous waste by NRC <br />Environmental Services Inc on manifest #: 006456640GBF. The hazardous waste <br />solids consisted of one sausage boom deployed beside the curb by Amazon <br />hazmat staff, leaves and debris, and personal protective equipment (PPE), all <br />contaminated with fuel/water mixture. <br />Called Michelle Henry to discuss findings. <br />Asked Lillian to have the Amazon hazmat staff cleanup the three liquid drops (with <br />sheen) and to send me a photo once done. <br />Left site: 12:23 PM <br />1:00 PM Arrived home. <br />- Generated a complaint. <br />- Completed an OIR which contained a request for a copy of disposal record for <br />the two 55-gallon drums of hazardous waste liquid within 90 days. (I emailed OIR <br />to Michelle Henry for review before emailing to Lillian). <br />- Completed narrative. <br />Received phone call from Michelle Henry. I added the "Correct by date requesting <br />the facility to provide a copy of the disposal record to EHD within 90 days. <br />5:56 PM Emailed OIR and photo of the three liquid drops with sheen, and <br />requested photo of parking space after cleanup to Lillian Burns at: <br /> <br />5105.rpt <br /> Page 2 of 5