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J.Warner ,a Notary Public, <br />y-b4.:5ffilA of ;::.rA-K-iirJ-£ <br />,who proved to-m-e-o-r-1-th-e-b-a-s-is-o-f-s-at-is-f:-a-c-to-r-y-e-'-'i-de-1-1c-e-t-o-b-e-th-e-p-el-'s-0-1f-;;(asy"--w-h-o-s-e-na-1-11-e-~-:::'-i-~-:;arsubscribedto <br />the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sh~executed the same in <br />his/hel'l(ih~authorized capacit)@,and that by his/her~ignatur~on the instrument the <br />perso~or the entity upon behalf of which the persOl@ acted,executed the instrument. <br />,..., <br />State of {/c1Llro£;JIA <br />County of rQ!4/U.:::JOAQU-.r /J . <br />On j..j4c//I ~//before me, <br />personally app~ared A-J.Ar1t-4iiT:5'.5iy v,JrI-&i <br />I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the <br />foregoing paragraph is true and correct. <br />Signature --f--b",--"-==-~....",,.,=-_L=-- <br />J.WARNERa''.-·Commission 111853473 z:(._a Notary Public •California ~ <br />~I San Joaquin County IJ••~•••Ml~oT"!';x~irtSdug L8}~1: <br />1 ame:J.Warner (Area reserved for official seal)