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EXHIBIT "A" <br />A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT TO CONDUCT WATER FROM AN EXISTING <br />WELL ON SAID PARCEL 9 FOR USE IN SAID PARCEL 10 for: <br />THE REAL PROPERTY located in San Joaquin County,California,being a portion of <br />Section 22,T.3S.R.5E.,M.D.B.&M.,filed in Parcel Maps,Book 24,Page 155,a portion <br />of parcels 9 and 10,San Joaquin County Records. <br />Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section 22,T.3S.,R.5E.,M.D.B &M., <br />thence S OOZ6'30"West along the East Line of said Section 22 and the Centerline of <br />Chrisman Road 660.98 Feet to the Northeast Corner of said Parcel 9;thence N <br />89°24'16"West 30.00 Feet to a Witness Corner set @ the West Right-of-Way of <br />Chrisman Road and on the North line of said Parcel 9;thence South 0026'30"West along <br />said West Right-of-Way of Chrisman Road 105.73 Feet 14e Centerline of an existing <br />access road to said parcel 9;thence along the Centerline of an existing access road South <br />84°43 '28"West 132.43 Feet to an angle point on said Centerline;thence S <br />87°l5'14"West 169.99 Feet to a point;thence S 2°44'46"East 98.50 Feet to the denter of <br />a well and pump assembly and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING for this easement, <br />10.00 Feet in diameter from this point and also the centerline of a 10.00 Feet wide <br />easement which bears S 88°3Z'34"East 88.51 Feet to the Centerline of an easement <br />shared with PG&E,said point is 5.00 Feet perpendicular to the Westerly line of a 30 Foot <br />wide Road Access easement through said Parcel 9;thence S 1°27'26"West (5.00 Feet <br />from &parallel to the West line of said Road Access easement)432.10 Feet to the South <br />line of said Parcel 9 also being the North line of said Parcel 10.The Water pipe line will <br />be installed in the Westerly S.OOfeet along the last leg of this easement.End of Water <br />easement for the benefit of said Parcel 10.