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RECORDING REQUESTED BY,AND <br />WIlEN RECORDED M.AU,TO: <br />AMANJITS.SANDHU ~ <br />KASHMIR K TAKHAR <br />3972 W DtJRIiAM FERRY RD <br />TRA,CY CA 95304 <br />Doc ~:2011-052664 <br />05/02/2011 10:15:18 AMPage:1 of 14 Fee:$53.00KennethWBlakemoreSa~Joaquin County RecordersPaldBy:SHOWN ON DOCUMENT <br />I111 ~~~lll~~~~f~,~~~~WIIIII <br />SPACE ABOVE TIllS LINE FOR ~CORDER'S USE <br />DOCUMENT TRANSFER TAX $_ <br />...Computed on the consideration or value of property <br />Conveyed;OR <br />...Computed on the consideration or value less liens or <br />encumbrances remaining at time of sale. <br />Signature pf'Declarant of Agent Determining Tax <br />GRANT of EMiMENT for WATE~ <br />RECITALSI' <br />Whereas,Amanjit S.Sandhu and Kashmir S.Sandhu own the real property located in San Joaquin <br />County described in the Grant Deed attached hereto as Exhibit "D",being a portion of Section 22, <br />T.3S.,R5E .•M.D.B.&M,filed in Parcel Maps.Book 21.Page 1~5.Parcel 9.San Joaquin County <br />Records:(AP?q 253-190-15)heteby grants a Non-Exclusive Water Easement to conduct water from the <br />domestic well used to supply water to Parcel 9 and is now located within the boundaries of Parcel 9,and <br />has agreed to furnish water to Parcel W (APN 253-190-17).This Easement is located as shown in Exhibit <br />"A"(Legal Description)attached and on Exhibit "C"(Site Map). <br />This easement agreement will establish ~e temporary right of Parcel 10 to use the well located on <br />Parcel 9 for its domestic water supply,puISU!mt to the terms set forth in Exhibit "B"attached <br />NOW,TH:EREFORE,in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants contained <br />herein,the parties agree as follows: <br />1.Parcels Defined:Parcel 9 is described on Exhibit D attached hereto.Parcel 10 is described on <br />Exhibit E attached hereto. <br />~.Grant of Easement:Amanjit S.Sandhu &Kashmir K Takhar as owners of Parcel 9,Grantor, <br />hereby gral1ts to the owners ofParcellQ,Maninder S.Sandhu &Pinderjit S.Sandhu,Grantee,an <br />easement for the operation and maintenance of a domestic water supply weU and P1.IIIW located as <br />denoted on Exhibit A,and construction,operation and maintenance of a related pipeline easement <br />to carry the water supply from the domestic well to Parcel 10,as depicted on the map attached as <br />Exhibit A.This easement shall run with the property,benefiting Parcel 10 and burdening Parcel 9. <br />TIris easement shall be construed narrowly to include only a right to use and maintain the domestic <br />well and related pump and Ilipeline in their current location on parcel 9.It shall not include the <br />right to move or re-drill the well in another location on Parcel 9 or the right to relocate the <br />pipeline.. <br />DATED:-5·vI· <br />SIGNED:-~~-4-~;:--+-!r----=::::::=--- <br />SIGNED:~~~~----------------~~--------