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The following is an itemized list of aboveground petroleum storage act violations that <br /> have not been addressed for GEMCO RIPON TRUCK PLAZA INC as of June 12, <br /> 2018. <br /> Open violations from March 18, 2015 inspection <br /> Violation#621 - Failed to schedule and conduct discharge prevention briefings at least annually. <br /> Discharge prevention briefings are not scheduled at least once a year. Discharge prevention briefings for oil <br /> handling personnel must be scheduled and conducted at least once a year to assure adequate understanding of the <br /> SPCC Plan for that facility. Such briefings must highlight and describe known discharges or failures, malfunctioning <br /> components, and any recently developed precautionary measures. Immediately schedule and conduct a discharge <br /> prevention briefing, ensure that they are scheduled and conducted at least once a year. <br /> Violation#703 - Failed to design facility drainage system from undiked areas to retain in the facility. <br /> No proper drainage from the secondary containment was noted. A locked box was noted on the east wall of the <br /> containment, however, the site operator had no key to unlock the box to verify if this box is related to the drainage <br /> system. Drainage systems from undiked areas with a potential for a discharge shall be designed to flow into ponds, <br /> lagoons, or catchment basins designed to retain oil or return it to the facility. If the drainage system is not designed <br /> this way, then the final discharge of all ditches in the facility shall be equipped with a diversion system that would <br /> retain oil at the facility. Immediately design the facility's drainage systems to comply with this section and amend the <br /> Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan as necessary, or provide equivalence as allowed by CFR <br /> 112.7(a)(2). <br /> Violation #710 - Failed to perform tank inspections that take into account size, configuration, and design. <br /> It appears that no integrity testing was discussed in the SPCC plan or was conducted for the existing ASTs Each <br /> aboveground container shall be tested and inspected for integrity on a regular schedule and whenever repairs are <br /> made. The qualifications of personnel performing tests and inspections, frequency and type of testing and <br /> inspections that take into account container size, configuration, and design shall be determined in accordance with <br /> industry standards. Examples of these integrity tests include, but are not limited to: visual inspection, hydrostatic <br /> testing, radiographic testing, ultrasonic testing, acoustic emissions testing, or other systems of non-destructive <br /> testing. Comparison records and other records of inspections and tests must be maintained on site. Immediately <br /> conduct the necessary testing and submit a copy of the test results to the EHD, or provide equivalence as allowed <br /> by CFR 112.7(a)(2). <br /> Violation#715 - Failed to regularly test liquid level sensing devices to ensure proper operation. <br /> Procedures and frequency of testing for these devices were not addressed in the Spill Prevention, Control, and <br /> Countermeasure (SPCC) plan. While onsite the existing liquid level sensors connected to the onsite Veeder Root <br /> system were tested along with the liquid sensors connected to the onsite underground storage tank(UST) system. <br /> Liquid level sensing devices must be installed in accordance with CFR 112.8 and shall be regularly tested to ensure <br /> proper operation. Immediately revise the SPCC plan to include appropriate testing procedures for these devises <br /> and conduct all necessary testing (as required), or provide equivalence as allowed by CFR 112.7(a)(2). <br /> Page 9 of 9 <br />