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The following is an itemized list of aboveground petroleum storage act violations that <br /> have not been addressed for GEMCO RIPON TRUCK PLAZA INC as of June12, <br /> 2018. <br /> Open violations from March 18, 2015 inspection <br /> Violation#605 -Plan failed to address facility layout, operations discharge prevention methods and <br /> containers. <br /> The storage capacity of the existing ASTs is inaccurate, the plan lists AST storage capacities as15,000 gallons and <br /> not the existing 20,000 gallons. The following shall be addressed in the Spill Prevention, Control, and <br /> Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan: <br /> -type of oil in each fixed container and it's storage capacity. For mobile or potable containers, the type of oil and <br /> storage capacity for each container or an estimate of the potential number of mobile or portable containers, the <br /> types of oil, and anticipated storage capacities <br /> -discharge prevention measures including procedures for routine handling of products <br /> -discharge or drainage controls such as secondary containment, equipment, and procedures for the control of a <br /> discharge <br /> -countermeasures for discharge discovery, response, and cleanup <br /> - methods of disposal of recovered materials <br /> -contact list and phone numbers for the facility response coordinator, National Response Center, cleanup <br /> contractors, and all appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies. <br /> Immediately amend the SPCC Plan to include all required information. <br /> Violation#611 -Plan failed to include a description of potential equipment failure or provide equivalence. <br /> Potential equipment failure and the resulting spill for existing ASTs was not addressed in the Spill Prevention, <br /> Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan. The SPCC Plan must include a prediction of the direction, rate of flow, <br /> and total quantity of oil which could be discharged from the facility as a result of major equipment failure. <br /> Immediately amend the SPCC Plan to include this information and submit a copy of the revision to the EHD, or <br /> provide equivalence as allowed by 40 CFR 112.7(a)(2). <br /> Violation#612 -Failed to provide secondary containment, diversionary structures, or equipment to prevent <br /> discharge. <br /> A large crack was noted in the secondary containment wall that surrounds the four existing ASTs. No discussion of <br /> the adequacy of the secondary containment was provided in the SPCC plan. A facility shall provide appropriate <br /> containment and/or diversionary structures or equipment to prevent a discharge. The entire containment system, <br /> including walls and floor, must be capable of containing oil and must be constructed so that any discharge from a <br /> primary containment system will not escape the containment system before cleanup occurs. Immediately provide <br /> adequate secondary containment for all aboveground petroleum storage containers larger than 55 gallons. <br /> Violation #618 -Failed to conduct inspections or maintain records for 3 years. <br /> No inspection or test records were available onsite. Inspections and tests must be conducted in accordance with <br /> the written procedures developed in the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan. Records of <br /> these inspections and tests must be signed by the appropriate supervisor or inspector and kept on site with the <br /> SPCC Plan for a period of three years. Immediately locate a copy of all inspection and testing records for the last <br /> three years, maintain them on site, and submit copies to the EHD. <br /> Violation#619 -Failed to train personnel on discharge prevention. <br /> Oil handling personnel had no apparent training. At a minimum, oil handling personnel shall be trained in the <br /> operation and maintenance of equipment to prevent discharges; discharge procedure protocols; applicable pollution <br /> control laws, rules, and regulations; general facility operations; and the contents of the Spill Prevention, Control, and <br /> Countermeasure Plan. Immediately provide this training to all oil handling personnel and submit a copy of the <br /> training log to the EHD. <br /> Violation#620 -Failed to designate a person accountable for discharge prevention. <br /> This facility does not have a designated person for discharge prevention. The Spill Prevention, Control, and <br /> Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan shall designate a person at the facility who is accountable for discharge prevention <br /> and who reports to facility management. Immediately designate a person to be accountable for discharge <br /> prevention and update the SPCC Plan to include this information. <br /> Page 8 of 9 <br />