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The following is an itemized list of aboveground petroleum storage act violations that <br /> have not been addressed for GEMCO RIPON TRUCK PLAZA INC as of June12, <br /> 2018. <br /> Open violations from March 18, 2015 inspection <br /> Violation #301 - Failed to amend Plan as necessary. <br /> This facility had an ownership change in early 2014 and Tanks 1 and 2 were permanently closed, and no <br /> appropriate plan amendment to reflect these changes was prepared. The Spill Prevention, Control, and <br /> Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan must be amended when there is a change in the facility design, construction, <br /> operation, or maintenance that materially affects its potential for a discharge, within 6 months of the change, and <br /> implemented as soon as possible, not later than 6 months following preparation of the amendment. Immediately <br /> make all necessary amendments to the SPCC Plan to accurately represent the procedures and policies currently in <br /> place at the facility. <br /> Violation #303 -Failed to have a PE certify technical amendments. <br /> The Professional Engineer(PE) certification is dated July 9, 2010. The facility had disconnected and blanked off all <br /> connecting lines on Tanks 1 and 2, however no plan amendment was prepared. These are technical <br /> amendments, requiring a PE certification within six months of amendment. A technical amendment is a change to <br /> the facility, tanks, procedures, materials, construction, design, or maintenance that materially increases or <br /> decreases the facility's potential for oil discharge. Immediately obtain a complete PE certification for the facility's <br /> SPCC plan. Submit a copy of the completed, certified SPCC plan to the EHD for review. <br /> Violation#601 - Plan that does not follow the sequence specified in this section lacks a cross-referencing <br /> section. <br /> The Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan does not follow the order or requirements in 40 <br /> CFR Part 112, and a cross-reference was not provided. If you do not follow the sequence specified in 40 CFR 112 <br /> for the Plan, you must prepare an equivalent Plan and supplement it with a section cross-referencing the location of <br /> requirements in 40 CFR 112 and the equivalent Plan. Immediately amend the SPCC Plan that follows the order of <br /> 40 CFR Part 112 or include a cross-reference or to follow the required sequence. <br /> Violation#602 -Plan lacks approval of management to fully commit the necessary resources to implement <br /> the Plan. <br /> The Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan lacks approval of the current site management; <br /> ownership change took place in early 2014. The SPCC plan must have the full approval of management at a level of <br /> authority to commit the necessary resources to fully implement the Plan. Immediately obtain required management <br /> approval for the SPCC Plan for this facility. <br /> Violation #603 - No facility diagram or didn't show location and contents of containers, transfer stations, <br /> and pipes. <br /> No detailed facility diagram was available for review. The Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) <br /> Plan shall include a facility diagram which must mark the location and contents of each fixed storage container and <br /> the storage area where mobile or portable containers are located. It must identify the location of and mark as <br /> "exempt" underground tanks. It must also include all transfer stations and connecting pipes, including intra-facility <br /> gathering lines. Immediately prepare the facility diagram to include all of the required information. Submit a legible <br /> copy of the updated facility diagram to the EHD for review. <br /> Page 7 of 9 <br />