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Ver. 1-E-doc-3-18-10 <br />Table G-4 below identifies the tanks and containers at the facility with the potential for an oil discharge; the mode of failure; the flow direction and potential quantity of the discharge; <br />and the secondary containment method and containment capacity that is provided. <br />Table G -Containers withc Potential foF an Oil 'Discharge <br />Potential Direction of Secondary <br />discharge flow for Secondary containment containment <br />Area Type of failure (discharge scenario) volume uncontained methods capacity <br />(aallons) discharqe (gallons) <br />Bulk Storage Containers and Mobile/Portable Containers' <br />Automotive Oils spill/tip over 55 to drain sump 1200 <br />Waste Oil spill/tip over 55 to drain sump 1200 <br />Gasoline Hose dropped/hose torn qt. slight to drain absorbent N/A _ <br />Oil -filled ODerationai Equipment (e.(7., hydraulic equipment, transformers)` <br />spina, Valves, etc. <br />Product Transfer Areas (location where oil is loaded to or from a container, pipe or other piece of equipment.) <br />None <br />Other Oil -Handling Areas or Oil -Filled Equipment e. . flow-through process vessels at an oil production facility) <br />None <br />s Use one of the following methods of secondary containment or its equivalent: (1) Dikes, berms, or retaining walls sufficiently impervious to contain oil; (2) Curbing; (3) Culverting, <br />gutters, or other drainage systems; (4) Weirs, booms, or other barriers; (5) Spill diversion ponds; (6) Retention ponds; or (7) Sorbent materials. <br />For storage tanks and bulk storage containers, the secondary containment capacity must be at least the capacity of the largest container plus additional capacity to contain rainfall <br />or other precipitation. <br />° For oil -filled operational equipment: Document in the table above if alternative measures to secondary containment (as described in §112.7(k)) are implemented at the facility. <br />Facility Name: Tuff Boy Sales, Inc Page 4 Tier I Qualified Facility SPCC Plan <br />