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Ver. I-E-eoc-3-18-i G <br />i5- Plan Requirements <br />1.. Oil Storage Containers (§112.7(a)(3)(i)): <br />Table G-2 Oil Storage Containers and Capacities <br />This table includes a complete list of all oil storage containers (aboveground containersa and completely buried <br />tanksb) with capacity of 55 U.S. gallons or more, unless otherwise exempt from the rule. For mobile/portable <br />containers, an estimated number of containers, types of oil, and anticipated capacities are provided. <br />Oil Storage Container (indicate whether <br />aboveground (A) or completely buried (B)) <br />Type of Oil <br />Shell Capacity (gallons) <br />constructed so that any discharge from a primary containment system, such as a tank or pipe, will not escape <br />A <br />Hydraulic Oil <br />200 <br />(A) <br />Automatic Trans Fluid <br />200 <br />(A) <br />Waste Oil <br />200 <br />A <br />Diesel <br />1000 <br />Total Aboveground Storage Capacity ` 2800 gallons <br />Total Completely Buried Storage Capacity gallons <br />Facility Total Oil Storage Capacity 21100 gallons <br />a Aboveground storage containers that must be included when calculating total facility oil storage capacity include: tanks and mobile or <br />portable containers; oil -filled operational equipment (e.g. transformers); other oil -filled equipment, such as flow-through process <br />equipment. Exempt containers that are not included in the capacity calculation include: any container with a storage capacity of less <br />than 55 gallons of oil; containers used exclusively for wastewater treatment; permanently closed containers; motive power containers; <br />hot -mix asphalt containers; heating oil containers used solely at a single-family residence; and pesticide application equipment or <br />related mix containers. <br />b Although the criteria to determine eligibility for qualified facilities focuses on the aboveground oil storage containers at the facility, the <br />completely buried tanks at a qualified facility are still subject to the rule requirements and must be addressed in the template; however, <br />they are not counted toward the qualified facility applicability threshold. <br />Counts toward qualified facility applicability threshold. <br />2. Secondary Containment and Oil Spill Control (§§112.6(a)(3)(i) and (ii), 112.7(c) and 112.9(c)(2)): <br />Table G-3 Secondary Containment and Oil Spill Control <br />Appropriate secondary containment and/or diversionary structures or equipments is provided for all oil handling <br />containers, equipment, and transfer areas to prevent a discharge to navigable waters or adjoining shorelines. <br />The entire secondary containment system, including walls and floor, is capable of containing oil and is <br />constructed so that any discharge from a primary containment system, such as a tank or pipe, will not escape <br />the containments stem before cleanup occurs. <br />a Use one of the following methods of secondary containment or its equivalent: (1) Dikes, berms, or retaining walls sufficiently <br />impervious to contain oil; (2) Curbing; (3) Culverting, gutters, or other drainage systems; (4) Weirs, booms, or other barriers; (5) Spill <br />diversion ponds; (6) Retention ponds; or (7) Sorbent materials. <br />Facility Name: <br />Tuff Boy Sales, Inc. <br />Page 3 Tier I Qualified Facility SPCC Plan <br />