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•13 January 2015 <br />AGE Project No. 15-3595 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />following: <br />• The collection of soil samples at the inlet and outlet of each clarifier to determine <br />if any subsurface impact has occurred from the operation of the clarifiers. <br />• Shallow sampling in the area of the oil stained soil along the Interstate <br />Trucking/Delta Bluegrass property boundary to determine the extent of the <br />impacted soil. <br />In December 2015, soil was excavated to 20 inches below surface grade (bsg) at the <br />Delta Bluegrass property near the Interstate Trucking property boundary in the area of <br />the stained soil. The affected soil was excavated and removed from the site under the <br />supervision of the San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department. AGE has still <br />recommended advancing one soil boring along the Interstate Trucking/Delta Bluegrass <br />property boundary to a depth of five (5) bsg to determine if the extent of impacted soil <br />has been defined. <br />Based on the RECs, AGE has prepared the following work plan to investigate shallow <br />soil at the site. Procedures for soil sample collection are described in detail below. <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />AGE proposes to advance a total of seven (7) soil borings at the site; five (5) soil <br />borings will be advanced at 825 Navy Drive (APN: 163-260-35) and two (2) soil borings <br />will be advanced at 1137 South Stockton Street (APN: 163-260-22). <br />Soil borings will be advanced in the areas of the three oil -water separators/clarifiers to <br />depths of approximately ten (10) feet bsg for collection of soil samples at 5 feet and 10 <br />feet bsg and along the Interstate Trucking/Delta Bluegrass property boundary to a depth <br />of approximately five (5) feet bsg for collection of a soil sample at 5 feet bsg. Proposed <br />soil boring locations are depicted in Figure 2. <br />Proposed soil borings will be advanced using either a Geoprobe 5400 direct -push <br />probing unit, a PowerProbe 9600 direct -push probing unit, or a two-inch diameter steel <br />hand auger. <br />Soil samples will be submitted to a California Department of Public Health (CDPH)- <br />Certified laboratory and will be analyzed for: <br />• Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in accordance with EPA -method 8015 - <br />modified; and <br />Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in accordance with EPA Method 82608. <br />Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. <br />