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Revised kFR Levine Fricke <br /> and G-06 Ozone spargnng will to unplemeuted in wells FSEW-3 and PSEW-5. The <br /> remaining wells will be used to monitor both soil vapor and groundwater as appropriate <br /> and as outlined in Table 4 <br /> 8.4 SVElGOS Prot Test <br /> COS Pilot Test: Microporous ozone bubbles will be sparged using the in-well sparge <br /> assembly through wells FSEW-3 and PSEW-5. On/off sequencing tzznes and ozone gas <br /> spargisng pressures and flow rates will be varied during the pilot test Pressure and <br /> geochennical indicaror responses such as DO and ORP in adjacent: monitoring wells <br /> G-06 and MW-09, FSEW-1 and 2, and PSEW-4, 6, and 9 will be monitored <br /> SVE Pilot Test: Soil vapor will be extracted, from any given configuration of the rune <br /> installed soil-vapor extraction wells FSEW-1, 2, and 3, PSEW-4, 5, and 6, and <br /> PSEW-7, 8, and. 9 <br /> The test is intended to provide adequate data for the evaluation of the effectiveness of <br /> ozone sparging on affected groundwater and to assess the required spacing for a GOS <br /> system <br /> 8.4.7 Groundwater Monitoring <br /> 8.4.x.1 Baseline Monitoring <br /> Groundwater monitoring data gathered at the end of the Phase IT! SVE/GAS test will be <br /> used to define the groundwater "baseline" prior to initiadon of the GOS Data gathered <br /> during and after the implementation of the phase TV GOS test will be compared to the <br /> baseline data to assess the effectiveness of the technology to address chlorinated solver+t <br /> affected groundwater beneath the Guild Cleaners Property. <br /> 8.4,1.2 Groundwater Monitoring During Sparging <br /> During the perfornume of ozone spargmg, groundwater level measurements and <br /> groundwater sampling activities will be conducted. The monitoring will be performed <br /> to track the pressure, geochenucal indicator, and VOC concentration responses in <br /> monitoring wells due to ozone spargmg A monitoring schedule to track the progress of <br /> the GOS pdot test is depicted in Table 4 <br /> Based on an evaluation of the data gathered during the pilot test, the effective radius of <br /> influence (ROT) of a sparge well will be estimated. The estimate will be based on <br /> various parameter trends monitored dunng the pilot test such as increase in DO, ORP, <br /> pressure Bead, and VOC concentration reductions in a radial direction relative to the <br /> sparge well_ <br /> wpSVW#& odi-mY-W1Z3 dm lK Pop 27 <br /> 0i7i6I d WT0b9V'60i~T 01 9WI? Z59 els 3NOI H 3NIA31 891 NJ C30:9Z z0, 60 -nf <br />