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05/05/2003 17:29 2094671118 AGE STOCKTON PAGE 64 <br /> IV. ANALYSIS,AND RESULTS <br /> A. Specifications <br /> AM samples were handled and analyzed in accordance with EPA methods as noted on the <br /> laboratory documentation. <br /> V. FINDINGS <br /> A. General <br /> All reported chemicals, equipment and by-products of the clandestine activities were <br /> removed by law enforcement prior to the site inspection. Laboratory analysis of the <br /> submitted samples indicates the presence of Methamphetamine in £7ur of the five collected <br /> samples ranging from 41 to 220 micrograms/f`0 (µg/ft2) in the vsripe sawle and from 5 to <br /> 7 µg/milliliter(ml)of septic tank fluid. <br /> B. pH <br /> Samples were analyzed for pH to assess acid and alkaline contwinat-ou associated with <br /> the use of corrosive chemicals. The pH scale is a logarithmic scale:, ranging from 0 to 14, <br /> used to characterize corrosivity. A, pH value less than 7 suggests an acidic material, <br /> than whereas a pH greater an 7 is indicative to caustic (basic) matt rials. The sample resukts <br /> were 6.2 to 10.2. The sample rets razaged from being slightly s:cidic to very caustic. <br /> C. Iodide <br /> Iodide has an established exposure li Wt of 0.1 parts per million (plain) in air. Iodide is <br /> capable of producing eye, skin, nose and respiratory tract irritation. Ti: may also produce <br /> chest tightness, headaches, stomach pain, birth defects,jaundice and kidney damage. The <br /> recognized target organs are eyes, skin, respiratory system, cemral nervous system, liver, <br /> kidueys, blood and cardiovascular system. No measurable quantitis of iodide were <br /> identified in the samples. Iodide was not identified in any of the samples, with the <br /> laboratory analysis reporting it at levels below the limits of detec tion. <br /> D_ Chloride <br /> Chloride has an established exposure liur t of 0.5 ppm in air. Chloride can cause a cough <br /> and produce eve, skin and respiratory tract irritation. In the hycb•ochl.oric acid (muriatic <br /> acid) form, it can also cause burns to exposed body parts. The re!cog;aived target organs <br /> are the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. It can produce chest t;iglitness, dyspnea, musclepain, symcope and convulsions. Chlodde was identified in three of six wipe samples <br /> (ranging from 0.12 to 0.90 mg/ft'). <br /> Ess Project 2003284-1 <br /> Page 4 <br />