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0 <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br /> RLGEIVED <br /> MAY 1 9 >,9 15 , <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL <br /> 1ai=8!TNnPPAP` <br /> The following is an itemized list of hazardous waste violations that have not been <br /> addressed for AMERICAN TIRE & TRUCK REPAIR as of February 17, 2015. <br /> Open violations from October 15, 2014 inspection <br /> Violation#702 -Electronic device and CRT handler failed to notify DTSC 30 days prior to accepting offsite <br /> UW. <br /> Four electronic waste/CRT televisions were observed being stored in the parking lot in front of the facility. Accordin <br /> to Mr. Bassi, they were dropped off by one of the truck drivers, and he is planning to have them picked up as univers <br /> waste. The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) shall be notified at least 30 days prior to accepting any <br /> offsite electronic devices, cathode ray tubes (CRTs), or CRT glass. The notification may be in an electronic or writtei <br /> format and shall include the following information: <br /> 1 Name of universal waste handler(If the facility owner is different than the facility operator, also include the <br /> owners name.); <br /> 2. ID Number of the universal waste handler, if applicable; <br /> 3. Telephone number of universal waste handler; <br /> 4. Mailing address of universal waste handler, and physical address, including county, if different from the mailing <br /> address; <br /> 5_ Name of the contact person at the universal waste handlers site who should be contacted regarding universal <br /> waste management activities; <br /> 6. Telephone number of the contact person; <br /> 7s An e-mail address for the contact person or organization, if available; <br /> o_ The types of electronic devices, CRTs, and/or CRT glass expected to be handled; <br /> 9_ The sources of the electronic devices, CRTs, and/or CRT glass(i.e., residential collections, business asset <br /> recovery; other collectors, etc.); and <br /> 10. A statement indicating whether the universal waste handler might accumulate 5,000 kilograms or more of <br /> universal waste at one time. <br /> Immediately provide this notification to DTSC and submit a copy of the notification to the EHD. This is a Class 11 <br /> violation. <br /> Violation#704-Failed to properly manage universal waste lamps. <br /> Four 4 foot used fluorescent tubes were found leaning up against a fence, uncontainerized and unlabeled, in the <br /> parking lot in front of the facility. Universal waste lamps shall be stored in a manner that prevents breakage and <br /> release to the environment_ All broken universal waste lamps and releases shall be immediately cleaned and <br /> containerized. Immediately store all universal waste lamps in a manner that prevents breakage and release to the <br /> environment. This is a minor violation, <br /> o <br /> Violation #706 -Failed to properly manage universal waste electronic devices, GRT$or CRT glass. <br /> Four electronic waste/CRT televisions were observed being stored in the parking lot in front of the facility. Universa <br /> waste electronic devices, CRTs and CRT glass shall be stored in a manner that prevents breakage and release to th <br /> environment. All broken universal waste electronic devices, CRTs, and CRT glass and releases shall be immediatel <br /> cleaned and containerized. Immediately store all universal waste electronic devices, CRTs, and CRT glass in a <br /> manner that prevents breakage and release to the environment. This is a Class II violation. <br /> Violation #712 Failed to label universal waste to Identify type of universal waste. <br /> Four electronic waste/CRT televisions were observed being stored in the parking lot in front of the facility with no <br /> labeling- Four 4 foot used fluorescent tubes were found leaning up against a fence, unlabeled, in the parking lot in <br /> front of the facility. Universal waste shall be marked with the words"Universal Waste" and the type of waste <br /> (haftariwc marrriini rnntnininrr oniiinmonf hmnc --- r�or^ r-o-r,.i,,. \ <br />