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ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF TERMINATION AND <br />AGREEMENT TO RECORD PRESERVATION AND RESERVATION OF RIGHTS <br />1. The Department of Toxic Substances Control (Department) agrees and <br />acknowledges that the terms of the Corrective Action'Consent Agreement, Docket <br />Number SRPD 03/04 SCC -4313 (Consent Agreement) entered into by the Department <br />and Tyco Electronics Corporation (Respondent) on June 21, 2004 including any <br />additional tasks determined by the Department to have been required pursuant to the <br />Consent Agreement, but excluding Section 14.1, Record Preservation, have been <br />satisfactorily completed based upon the information presently available to the <br />Department. <br />2. Respondent agrees and acknowledges that the terms of Section 14.1 of the Consent <br />Agreement remain in effect until July 2013. <br />3. Respondent agrees and acknowledges that Respondent's completion of the terms of <br />the Consent Agreement does not limit otherwise preclude the Department from taking <br />additional enforcement action pursuant to the Health and Safety Code, section 25187, <br />or other available legal authorities, should the Department determine that such actions <br />are warranted. <br />4. Respondent agrees and acknowledges that Respondent's completion of the terms of <br />the Consent Agreement does not relieve Respondent of its obligations to comply with <br />the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, or any other applicable local, state, or <br />federal laws and regulations. <br />It is so agreed and acknowledge: <br />Date: <br />Date: <br />M <br />M <br />Signature of Respondent <br />Printed Name and Title of Respondent <br />Stephen W. Lavinger, Chief <br />Tiered Permitting Corrective Action Branch <br />Departmentof-ToxicSubstances_ Control <br />