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-OCT -26-93 MON 11:25 • P.03 <br />209-4'77-2440 W. T. WL & CO. i PME 176 PO4 OCT 25,93 00:31 <br />P13se II Fnvironmental Assessment Modified Proposal <br />152 Frank West Circle • Stockton, CA Page 2 <br />October 21, 1993 <br />Room sump. The majority of these vats were observed to be full and most of them <br />contained labels identifying the chemicals within each of then -L C,K.C, estimates <br />approximately 13,500 gallons of liquid chemicals will require removal and disposal. <br />Liquid chemicals that are determined to be compatible will be pumped from <br />the vats using vacuum trucks. Once the liquid chemicals have been removed from <br />the vats, the vats will be steam cleaned using a high-pressure steam washer. The <br />rinsate generated during the steam cleaning process will also be pumped into the <br />vacuum trucks. Characterization of this fluid and preliminary acceptance for disposal <br />of the fluid will have been completed during Task 1, therefore, C.K.C. anticipates that <br />the fluids will be transported immediately following completion of pumping and <br />steam cleaning activities. <br />Liquid chemicals that are not compatible with the bulk of the liquid chemicals <br />described above will be pumped into DOT approved, 55 -gallon poly drums and will <br />be stored on-site. Once the vats have been pumped and steam cleaned, they will be <br />moved out of the Plating xoom to a staging area lined with 6 -mil visqueen. <br />Task 3 - Steam Clean and Remove Wooden Flooring in Plating Room <br />Once the vats have been removed from the Plating Room, the wooden flooring <br />surrounding the vats will be dcaned using a high pressure steam washer. The <br />rinsate generated during the steam cleaning process will be pumped into vacuum <br />trucks. <br />After steam cleaning the flooring, it will be moved from the Plating Room to a <br />staging area lined with 6 -mil visqueen. <br />Task 4 - Empty and Steam Clean Concrete Sump Areas <br />Visual observations reveal that approximately 6 inches of water and chemicals <br />are present within a 5,000 square -foot concrete -lined sump in the Plating Room. <br />Although the standing water in the Hazardous Waste Treatment Area and Tank <br />Containment Area sumps has evaporated, solidified chemicals do remain, as noted in <br />the Limited Phase II Environmental Assessment report. ASH recommends that the <br />sumps be steam cleaned in a timely manner since they are partially uncovered and <br />Will soon receive storm water runoff which will become contaminated and require <br />disposal as hazardous waste <br />C.KC. proposes to empty the Plating Room sump using vacuum trucks, steam <br />clean the surfaces of all three sumps, and empty the rinsate from the sumps. C.KC. <br />estimates that approximately 18,000 gallons of fluid and rinsate will be removed from <br />the threr sumps. Characterization of this fluid and preliminary acceptance for <br />disposal of the fluid will have been completed during Task 1, therefore, C.K.C. <br />anticipates that the fluids will be transported immediately following completion of <br />the sump cleaning activities. <br />R=95% 10-25-93 11:29AM P003 #45 <br />