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The Red Jacket leak-detector is a pressure which equals or exceeds this amount, as operator that the leak is present. <br /> sensing,diaphragm operated valve designed much product escapes from the system as is If there are no leaks,pressure rapidly builds <br /> to indicate a leak in the piping between the metered in through the leak detector. Under in the system forcing the leak detector to <br /> leak detector and dispenser. this condition pressure cannot build up in the open to the full-flowposition. lnasystemwith <br /> When the submerged pump is turned on,a piping system. When a nozzle is opened, a no leaks it takes approximately two seconds <br /> controlled amount of product (three gallons poppet in the leak detector moves to a posi- for the complete test. No further line testing <br /> perhour)is metered through the leakdetector tion which restricts the flow to approximately takes place until the line pressure drops <br /> into the piping system. If a leak is present 1-1/2-3 GPM. This is the indication to the below 1 PSI. <br /> POSITION 1 POSITION 2 POSITION 0 <br /> e TO 10 PSI <br /> LESS THAN 1 PSI <br /> FULL PRESSURE FULL PRESSURE FULL PRESSURE <br /> APPROX.25 PSI APPROX.25 PSI APPROX.25 PSI <br /> FROM PUMP FROM PUMP FROM PUMP <br /> POPPET <br /> a IF <br /> � PI <br /> r//xIN/ <br /> j <br /> / PI ALL ALL PRESSL <br /> UJE <br /> E <br /> APOROLESS SI BTO 10 PSI EOUA <br /> 1.THE "TRIP" OR RELAXED POSITION. poppet to such a position asto almost stop approximately two seconds to open <br /> Under normal operating conditions, it is the flow into the piping through the leak completely. It there is no leakage in the <br /> assumed that the lines are filled with gaso- detector valve poppet. In this position,all system,the small flow around the meter- <br /> line. Whenthe system pressure is less than the flow must travel around the metering ing pin increases the line pressure to 10 <br /> 1 psi,the diaphragm and poppet are intheir pin which limits it to approximately 3 gph psi in approximatelytwo seconds atwhich <br /> "down"or"tripped"position.The position of rate. If a simultaneous loss from the sys- point the diaphragm will snap the poppet <br /> the valve "poppet" is such as to allow ap- tem equals or exceeds this amount, the to position 3. This all takes place in less <br /> proximately 1-1/2 to 3 gpm flow into the line pressure will not build beyond this time than it takes to reset the dispenser, <br /> delivery line,through a bypass opening in point and the valve will remain in the leak walk to the car,remove the gas tank cap, <br /> the leak detector valve poppet, when the sensing positionwiththe main flow blocked. insert and open the nozzle. <br /> submersible pump starts. Sincethesystem Ifthereisan attempt to dispense while the 3.NON-LEAK POSITION This position al- <br /> is full, pressure builds up rapidly and the valve is in position,the line pressure will lows full flow. The poppet will remain in <br /> poppet moves to the leak sensing position drop,the diaphragm will respond,and the this position as long as the system pres- <br /> assuming there is no leak present. poppet will return to position 1 where 1-1/ sure remains above 1 psi. At less than 1 <br /> 2.LEAK SENSING POSITION. As the pres- 2 to 3 gpm will flow to the dispensers. psi the poppet will return to position 1 and <br /> sure builds to approximately 8 to 10 psi Leaks smaller than 3 gpm will be indicated the next time the pump is activated, the <br /> (rapidly), the diaphragm has moved the by the Leak Detector taking longer than Leak Detector will perform a line test. <br /> ! << , Per the above process, this product is designed and sold to detect leaks of approximately 3GPH or <br /> greater only. For leaks of less than approximately 3GPH, please consult with your Marley Pump Company <br /> representative. <br /> MARLEY <br /> COMPANY <br /> 5171°10/92 THEP PrvnRanorP aAtone <br />