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Broadbent&Associates,Inc. • <br /> Vacaville,CA Well Abandonment Work Plan <br /> ARCO Station No,4932 <br /> March 30,2014 <br /> Page 2 <br /> The Site-specific HASP will be prepared for use by personnel implementing the work plan. A copy of the <br /> HASP will be available on-site during work. A safety tailgate meeting will also be conducted daily to <br /> review potential hazards and scope of work. <br /> Borehole Clearing <br /> A precautionary drilling technique(i.e., a hand auger, air knife, pressurized water knife and/or high <br /> vacuum extraction,etc.)will be utilized through the initial six and one-half(6.5)feet of the subsurface in <br /> the borings that require overdrilling to minimize impacts to unknown or abandoned buried utilities. <br /> Well Abandonment <br /> Well abandonment will be conducted in accordance with the SJCEHD's December 24, 2013 letter and <br /> Well Standards prepared by SJCEHD for compliance with the San Joaquin County Ordinance Code <br /> Section 9-1115.6. Based on the current and historical site data,the following abandonment methods <br /> are proposed: <br /> • The following wells have laboratory data from the last groundwater sampling event that <br /> reported non-detectable concentrations of contaminants of concern for acceptable laboratory <br /> detection limits,and are not located in the areas of known or suspected soil contamination: <br /> MW-8 through MW-11, DMW-2, EW-5, and 5-6. '7 <br /> These wells will be destroyed by pressure grouting from the bottom upwards while leaving the <br /> well casing in place. The top three feet or more of the well will be cleared out using air vacuum/ <br /> air knife to create a borehole that is at least one foot larger in diameter than the auger originally <br /> utilized to install the well. The exposed well casing will be cut-off and the soil around the cut-off <br /> casing will be removed to the depth of an additional six inches below the new"top" of the cut- <br /> off casing. The grout sealant will be spilled out of the top of the well casing to form a mushroom <br /> cap seal with at least twelve inches of neat cement grout that will be poured six inches above <br /> and six inches below the top of the cut-off casing. After the cement grout has set,the <br /> excavation will be backfilled with clean soil or road base fill and resurfaced to match the existing <br /> grade(i.e. -concrete,asphalt). <br /> • The laboratory data for the last sampling events from the following wells demonstrate the <br /> presence of contaminants of concern remaining in the groundwater: DMW-5, DMW-9, DMW-10, <br /> EW-1 through EW-4, EW-6, EW-7, MW-1 through MW-7,and SVE-1. In addition, the following <br /> wells are located in an area of known or suspected soil contamination based on the soil iso- <br /> concentration maps provided in Broadbent's November 2013 Case Closure Request: DMW-1, <br /> DMW-3, DMW-4, DMW-6, DMW-7,SVE-2,and 5-1 through 5-5. <br /> These wells will be destroyed by over-drilling to remove the contents of the well (well casing, <br /> screen,filter pack,grout,sealant, etc.). The top six and a half feet of the well will be cleared <br /> out using air vacuum/air knife to create a borehole that is at least one foot larger in diameter <br />