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Mr. M. Scott Mansholt—CTfWron Environmental Management Corporation'" Page 2 <br /> Pombo Property—Soil and Groundwater Investigation Work Plan July 31,2003 <br /> total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd), and as gasoline (TPHg), TPHc, methyl <br /> tertiary butyl ether(MTBE), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), and <br /> PNAs. TPHd, TPHg, and TPHc were detected in all four samples. The maximum <br /> detection was 18,000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) TPHc at 8.5 ft bgs at GMX-2. <br /> Benzene, toluene, and MTBE were not detected; however, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and <br /> PNAs were detected in low concentrations in two of the four samples. Confirmation <br /> samples taken above the water table (from 11 to 12.5 ft bgs) from seven borings outside <br /> the area of visibly affected soils GMX-1, GMX-3, GMX-4, GMX-4, GMX-8, GMX-15, <br /> GMX-17, and GMX-19) had no detections of BTEX, MTBE, or PNAs. Concentrations <br /> of TPHg, TPHc, and TPHd were either non-detect or below 100 mg/kg in all samples. A <br /> grab groundwater sample from beneath affected soil was collected in one boring (GMX- <br /> 6) and analyzed for BTEX, MTBE, and PAHs. Two PNAs were detected, both at less <br /> than 1 microgram per liter(µg/L). The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) <br /> approved the findings of the 1999 screening risk evaluation, which concluded that <br /> residual petroleum constituents in soil do not pose unacceptable health risks. <br /> Geomatrix conducted two off-site investigations in May and October 2000 to assess the <br /> lateral extent of petroleum-affected soils, and to further assess groundwater conditions. <br /> Seven soil borings were advanced around the site. Soil and groundwater grab samples <br /> were collected based on visible evidence of petroleum impacts. At a minimum, a soil <br /> sample was collected from near the top of the water table and a grab groundwater sample <br /> was collected. <br /> Soil samples were analyzed for TPHc, PNAs, and BTEX. Depths of soil sampling <br /> ranged from 8.0 to 12.5 ft bgs. The detections of petroleum-related compounds were <br /> limited to two borings, GMX-26 and GMX-32. TPHc was detected in both of these <br /> borings, at 120 mg/kg at 8 ft bgs and 1700 mg/kg at 9 ft bgs, respectively. In addition, <br /> pyrene and chrysene were identified in GMX-32, at 0.057 and 0.079 mg/kg, respectively. <br /> Grab groundwater samples from four borings (GMX-25, GMX-30, GMX-31, and GMX- <br /> 33) were analyzed for TPHg, TPHd, PNAs, and BTEX. These locations were all between <br /> 10 and 100 ft downgradient of affected soils. TPHg, benzene, ethylbenzene, and PNAs <br /> were not detected. Xylenes and toluene were detected at concentrations less than 2 mg/L <br /> in GMX-30 and GMX-31. TPHd was detected in all samples analyzed without the silica <br /> gel preparation, at concentrations from 86 to 560 µg/L, but not detected in any sample <br /> with the cleanup method. <br /> The study completed in December 2000 concluded that the lateral extent of affected soil <br /> on the eastern, western, and southern portions of the property has been delineated. <br /> However, additional investigation of the affected soils and groundwater north of GMX- <br /> 32 was recommended by Geomatrix Consultants. The revised Health Risk Assessment <br /> was approved by the DTSC in July 2002. <br />