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Mr. M. Scott Mansholt—Chtvfon Environmental Management Corporation`� Page 3 <br /> Pombo Property—Soil and Groundwater Investigation Work Plan July 31,2003 <br /> WORK PLAN <br /> The proposed scope of work consists of the three tasks described below: <br /> Task 1 —Soil Borings <br /> SAIC will delineate the lateral extent of TPHd in downgradient from boring GMX-32, <br /> where it was previously detected in a grab groundwater sample. This will be <br /> accomplished by advancing two soil borings, northwest and northeast of GMX-32,using <br /> a Geoprobeor equivalent hydraulic sampling equipment. <br /> Proposed sampling locations will be on Fruitwood Circle, approximately 150 ft northeast <br /> of GMX-32, and on Laurelgrove Lane, approximately 185 ft northwest of GMX-32. <br /> Maximum depths of borings will be approximately 15 ft. The proposed locations, as <br /> well as selected previous soil boring locations discussed in this Work Plan, are shown on <br /> Figure 3. <br /> Preparatory to the field investigation, encroachment permits and boring permits will be in <br /> place with the local authorities. SAIC will have a health and safety plan in place, contact <br /> Underground Service Alert (USA), and contract with a private subcontractor to perform <br /> an underground utility clearance at each boring location. <br /> Soil samples will be collected in accordance with the ChevronTexaco Quality <br /> Assurance/Quality Control Sample Collection Guidelines, Chevron Old Valley Pipeline <br /> Sites, California (Geomatrix Consultants, August 2001). A continuous-core sampling <br /> device will be used if geologic conditions permit. Soil borings will be advanced until the <br /> base of visually affected soils or approximately two feet below the water table. The soil <br /> lithologies will be logged by an SAIC field geologist, under the supervision of a <br /> California-Registered Geologist in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification <br /> System (USCS) as presented in ASTM 2488-90. All soil cores will be field screened <br /> visually and by using a photo-ionization detector(PID) to monitor the presence of <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons in soil. <br /> Based on the field determination, up to two soil samples per boring will be submitted for <br /> chemical analyses. One sample will be collected from the zone of observed petroleum <br /> impacts, and another at the bottom of the boring, below visibly impacted soils. If the soil <br /> samples do not appear to be affected with petroleum hydrocarbons, SAIC will submit one <br /> sample collected just above the presumed water table for analysis. <br /> Soil and groundwater samples will be labeled, sealed in a plastic bag, and placed in an <br /> ice-filled cooler for transport to the laboratory. The soil samples will be submitted to <br /> Friedman & Bruya of Seattle, Washington, a California-certified laboratory(ELAP <br /> #1727), under SAIC chain of custody protocol, for the following chemical analyses: <br />