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2905 West Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton, California March 16, 1994 <br /> Chevron U.S.A. 'Products Company Page 8 <br /> benzene) for drinking water. Historic sampling of 20M2 by Groundwater Technology and the City of <br /> Stockton has never detected TPH-G or BTEX constituents. <br /> Since the perforated interval for well 20F1 is at least 50 feet below and more than 2,500 feet away (in a <br /> cross gradient direction) from the projected vertical and lateral boundaries of the dissolved hydrocarbon <br /> plume, respectively, it is not at immediate risk of being impacted by the dissolved hydrocarbon plume <br /> considering the estimated velocity of groundwater in the downgradient direction. Based on the sampling <br /> history, the completion interval and the reported infrequent use of municipal well 20M2, it is highly <br /> unlikely that the deeper (greater than 200 feet BGS) aquifers tapped by well 20M2 are at risk of being <br /> impacted by the Chevron dissolved hydrocarbon plume. <br /> 5073PA R.RPT '�� <br /> �JLJC GROUNDWATER <br /> TECHNOLOGY <br />