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encounter,the soil bore was abandoned and the local agencies were notified. A recap of the results <br /> of sample analysis for MW#5 and MW#6 are attached. <br /> CPT#3 was installed on June 13,2000 in the Caltrans right of way.This CPT i5 Northeast of the site, <br /> and the data gathered is attached. <br /> All replacement monitoring wells have been sampled quarterly, and a recap of the analysis is <br /> attached. <br /> INSTALLING MONITORING WELLS <br /> PROCEDURE FOR INSTALLING MW#5 AND MW#6 <br /> Soil borings MW#5 and MW#6 were drilled with an eight in hollow stem auger with samples <br /> retrieved at five foot intervals. Samples were extracted with a two-inch split spoon sampler and <br /> hammer blows were recorded. Each sample was classified by the Universal Soil Classification <br /> System. Soil sleeves were capped with teflon sheets and plastic caps were secured by duct tape. <br /> Samples were transferred under chain of custody to GeoAnalytical Labs for analysis by EPA 8020, <br /> 5030, and 8260B (see recap for results). <br /> Two inch PVC casings with screens at one hundred feet were installed with a#2x#16 sand filter. <br /> The monitoring wells were purged and sampled by Del-Tech Geotechnical Services using standard <br /> methods of the industry. <br /> FINDINGS <br /> Monitoring well MW#5 is located near the northeasterly corner of the property. Soil samples <br /> retrieved at a depth of thirty feet to eighty-five feet were analyzed positive with various amounts of <br /> BETX. All samples analyzed were found to be non-detect for oxygenates in soil bore MW#5. <br /> Samples from fifty-five feet and sixty-five feet were lost from the sampler. <br /> MW46 is located in the center of the UST excavation. The soil samples retrieved from a depth of <br /> fifteen feet to and including sixty-five feet were found to be high in all BETX compounds. Samples <br /> from seventy feet to one hundred feet were found to have low amounts of BETX. All samples from <br /> MW#6 were found to be non-detect for oxygenates. <br /> CONCLUSIONS <br /> The soil samples from MW46, located in the center of the UST excavation, contain concentrations <br /> of gasoline at rate of more than fifty times the concentrations in MW#5. This is understandable due <br /> to the fact that MW#5 is about ninety feet down gradient from MW#6. The method of migration is <br /> water born through the sand strata between a depth of thirty and sixty-five feet below the surface. <br /> QUARTERLY REPORT OF MONITORING WELL SAMPLES 5/11/2000 <br /> PROCEDURE FOR MONITORING WELL SAMPLING <br /> Del Tech Geotechnical Support Services secured water samples from the monitoring wells on the <br /> above stated property.The work was supervised by Foothill Engineering.All monitoring wells were <br /> in good condition and samples were taken using the standard recommended procedures.All samples <br /> were extracted using the tube with check valve pump system. Purge volumes and the physical <br /> properties of the ground water are attached in the Del-Tech field log. <br /> 2 <br />