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Groundwater Assessment Report <br /> ARCO Facility No 2186 <br /> Stockton,Califomia <br /> Page 2 <br /> SITE BACKGROUND <br /> In August and September 1995, EMCON drilled six vertical soil borings (B-1, B-3 <br /> through B-5, B-7, and B-8) and two 45° angle borings (B-2 and B-6) Three of the <br /> bonngs (B-1, B-4, and B-5) were converted to groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1 <br /> through MW-3), and three of the borings (B-3, B-7 and B-8) were converted to dual <br /> completion vapor extraction wells (VW-1 through VW-3) In October 1996, EMCON <br /> drilled boring B-9, which was converted to groundwater monitoring well MW-4 <br /> In June 1999, the former gasoline USTs and associated dispensers and piping were <br /> replaced The former UST complex consisted of two 10,000-gallon and one 5,000-gallon <br /> single-wall fiberglass tank The 8,000-gallon UST formerly stored super unleaded <br /> gasoline and the two 10,000-gallon USTs formerly stored regular unleaded gasoline The <br /> gasoline UST fill ports were located at the northern ends of the tanks Fiberglass piping <br /> located at the northern ends of the USTs proceeded along the western edge of the site and <br /> connected the USTs to two dispenser islands located north of the station building <br /> In August 1999, IT conducted a soil and groundwater assessment consisting of two onsite <br /> CPT borings (CPT-2 and CPT-3) located at the eastern edge of the site, and one offsite <br /> CPT boring (CPT-1) located to the north of the site Benzene and methyl tertiary butyl <br /> ether (MTBE) were detected in water samples collected from CPT-2 <br /> Delta conducted a soil vapor extraction test at the site in September, 2000 Three <br /> separate 4-hour tests were conducted Soil vapors were extracted from wells VW-lA, <br /> VW-2A, and VW-3A The tests indicated that extraction of soil vapors from these wells <br /> at 9 to 10 cubic feet per minute, with 50 to 100 inches of water column, resulted in a <br /> radius of influence between 34 and 45 feet The initial hydrocarbon mass extraction rates <br /> were calculated to be between 1 10 and 3 88 pounds of TPHG per day <br /> WELL SEARCH <br /> A water supply well owned by the City of Stockton was identified approximately 1,100 <br /> feet west of the site in 1998 (Pinnacle, Workplan to Further Assess Hydrocarbon- <br /> Impacted Soil and Groundwater, April 15, 1999) This well was reportedly situated in <br /> Oak Park <br /> IT performed a second well search in June 2000 (Delta, Work Plan for Additional <br /> Groundwater Assessment and Feasibility Testing, July 14, 2000) The IT data identified <br /> two agricultural wells 400 feet northwest and 900 feet northeast of the site, and a third <br /> well approximately 1,800 feet northwest of the site <br /> P\ARCO\2186\REPORTS\2186report doc <br />