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Soil Vapor Extraction Test Results <br /> ARCO Facility 2186 <br /> Stockton, California <br /> Page 2 <br /> stored super unleaded gasoline and the two 10,000-gallon USTs formerly stored regular <br /> unleaded gasoline The gasoline UST fill ports were located at the northern ends of the <br /> tanks Fiberglass piping, located at the northern ends of the USTs, proceeded along the <br /> western edge of the site and connected the USTs to two dispenser islands located north of <br /> the station building <br /> In August 1999 IT Corporation conducted a soil and groundwater assessment consisting <br /> of two on-site cone penetrometer test (CPT) borings (CPT-2 and CPT-3) located at the <br /> eastern edge of the site and one off-site CPT boring (CPT-1) located to the north of the <br /> site Benzene and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) were detected in water samples <br /> collected from CPT-2 <br /> Low residual concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHG), <br /> benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) in soil remain at depths of 31 <br /> to 56 feet bgs The highest detected dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations <br /> have historically occurred in well MW-1 The groundwater flow at the subject site is <br /> generally to the northeast to east <br /> • A workplan (July 14, 2000) to install offsite groundwater monitoring wells was prepared <br /> by Delta and subsequently approved by San Joaquin County PHS/EHD ARCO is <br /> currently awaiting authorization from the City of Stockton to access the property where <br /> the monitoring wells are proposed to be located <br /> FIELD PROCEDURES <br /> Three SVE tests were conducted on vapor extraction wells VW-1S, VW-2S, and VW-3S <br /> on September 18 and 19, 2000 Field data sheets used to record data during the tests are <br /> included in Appendix A Before initiating the test, Delta contacted San Joaquin Valley <br /> Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) and notified them of the test <br /> schedule and duration <br /> During the SVE tests, the wellheads were temporarily modified with appropriate PVC <br /> fittings in order to extract soil vapors and convey them to the thermal oxidizer Soil <br /> vapors were extracted using a 7 5 hp blower and were abated in a thermal oxidizer (rated <br /> at 200 cubic feet per minute [cfm]) before being discharged to the atmosphere Propane <br /> was used as supplemental fuel to maintain optimum combustion temperature (1450° F) in <br /> the catalytic oxidizer <br /> Wells VW-1S, VW-2S, and VW-3S were used as observation wells (see Figure 2) Each <br /> wellhead was temporarily modified to monitor the induced vacuum during each vapor <br /> • extraction test Magnehelic gages were used to measure induced vacuum in inches of <br />