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• <br /> APPENDIX A <br /> FIELD PROCEDURES <br /> Drilling Methods <br /> Before drilling begins, EMCON will notify Underground Service Alert of our intent to <br /> dull so that approximate locations of underground utility Imes and structures can be <br /> marked The soli borings are started by hand-augering to a depth of 5 feet to minimize the <br /> possibility of damaging underground utilities <br /> The borings are drilled with a mobile B-61 or similar drill ng equipped with 10-inch- <br /> outside-diameter by 5-114-inch-inside-diameter, continuous-flight, hollow-stem augers <br /> . The augers are steam-cleaned before use in each boring to minimize cross-contarrunatlon <br /> of the borings The drill cuttings are stored in type 17-E, steel, 55-gallon drums or <br /> stockpiled on site and covered with plastic before disposal at an appropriate disposal <br /> facility <br /> Soil Sampling in Borings <br /> Soil samples for analysis and identification are collected at approximately 5-foot intervals <br /> from the bonngs during dnlling Soil samples are collected by advancing the boring to a <br /> point dust above the sampling depth, and then driving a Califorrua-modified, split-spoon <br /> sampler containing clean brass or stainless steel sleeves through the hollow center of the <br /> auger into the soil The sampler is driven 18 inches with a standard 140-pound hammer <br /> repeatedly dropped 30 inches The number of blows needed to drive the sampler each <br /> successive 6 inches is counted and recorded to evaluate the relative consistency of the soil <br /> Sampling equipment is cleaned between each use with an industrial soap and clean tap <br /> water <br /> The samples selected for laboratory analysis are removed from the sampler and promptly <br /> seated in their brass sleeves with Teflon® tape and plastic caps The samples are labeled <br /> and promptly placed in iced storage for delivery to the laboratory <br /> • <br /> SAC\N\PJ"805\08051470 4BS-97\prz k A-t Rev 0 1019197 <br />