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Y <br /> i <br /> water is clear of silt and sand Clay-size sediments derived from the screened portion of <br /> the formation cannot be entirely elYrrunated by well development <br /> Groundwater Sampling <br /> The static water level in each well will be measured to the nearest 0 01 foot with a Sohnist <br /> electric water-level sounder cleaned with a laboratory-grade detergent and deionized <br /> water before use in each well A clean bailer will be used to obtain a sample from the <br /> surface of the water in the well for subjective analysis of hydrocarbons The sample will be <br /> retrieved and examined for floating product, sheen, color, and clarity <br /> Approximately 3 well volumes (approximately 50 gallons) will be purged from each well <br /> with a stainless-steel electrical submersible pump The pump, cables, and hoses will be <br /> cleaned with a laboratory-grade detergent and water before use in each well The wells <br /> will be purged until pH, temperature, and electrical conductivity of the water stabilize, as <br /> measured by portable meters calibrated to a standard buffer and conductivity standard <br /> The water level will be allowed to recover to at least SO percent of the initial water level <br /> A sample of the formation water will then be collected from the surface of the water in <br /> each of the wells with a Teflon bailer and slowly transferred to laboratory-cleaned sample <br /> containers The recovered fluids from sampling in each well will be directed into the 17-E, <br /> steel, 55-gallon liquid waste drums approved for this use by the Department of <br /> Transportation <br /> Sample Labeling and Handling <br /> Water samples will be preserved in laboratory-cleaned, 40-milliliter glass vials that contain <br /> concentrated hydrochloric acid as a preservative The water samples will be sealed with <br /> Teflon-Dried lids so that no air bubbles will be detected The sample containers will be <br /> labeled in the field with the fob number, sample location and depth, and date and promptly <br /> placed in iced storage for transport to the laboratory Chain-of-custody records will be <br /> initiated in the field by the geologist and accompany the samples to a laboratory certified <br /> by the state of California for the analyses requested Samples will be transported promptly <br /> to the laboratory <br /> SACIN\PJM80568051470 4BS-97\prc 1 A-3 Rev 0, 10/9197 <br />