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ARCO Products Company 2 <br /> ARCO Service Station#4493,205 North Center Street.Stockton,CA Ju! 7,1999 <br /> line passed testing. In 1996, fluid was reportedly leaking from UST #3. UST #3 was <br /> pumped dry of all gasoline, the piping was evacuated and capped, and a temporary <br /> closure plan was submitted to the SJCEHD. <br /> In July 1997, the SJCEHD sent ARCO a letter stating that the former Shell service <br /> station approximately 300 feet east of the site had reported increasing concentrations of <br /> MtBE in their upgradient wells. These wells are to the northeast of the ARCO station, <br /> which is the historical groundwater flow direction. <br /> In July 1998, SECOR sampled two UST pit observation wells. Analytical results from <br /> the sampling event indicated that MtBE was present in one observation well at a <br /> concentration of 52.4 ppb. Depth to water during the observation well sampling was <br /> approximately 10 feet bgs. <br /> ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES AND FINDINGS <br /> On February 10, 11, and 12, 1999, four groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1 through <br /> MW-4) were installed at the site by Central Valley Drilling of Rancho Cordova, <br /> California. Groundwater monitoring well MW-1 was drilled west of the UST complex <br /> to a depth of approximately 30 feet below ground surface (bgs). Monitoring well MW-1 <br /> was set a 25 '/2 feet bgs and screened from 25 %2 to 5 '/2 feet bgs. Groundwater <br /> monitoring well MW-2 was drilled north of the product island to a total depth of 25 feet <br /> bgs and screened from 25 feet to 5 feet bgs. Groundwater monitoring well MW-3 was <br /> drilled east of the UST complex and southeast of the product islands to a total depth of <br /> 23 feet bgs and screened from 23 feet to 5 feet bgs. Groundwater monitoring well <br /> MW-4 was drilled east of the UST complex to a total depth of 25 feet bgs and screened <br /> from 25 feet to 5 feet bgs. Boring Logs showing well completion details are included as <br /> Attachment B. <br /> The findings of this assessment are discussed below: <br /> • Subsurface Conditions. Drilling conditions encountered at this site <br /> indicate this service station was built over fill material. Refusal was <br /> encountered several times and in several locations. Refusal was <br /> caused by buried concrete slabs. Fill material was present in the <br /> borings from ground surface to approximately 4 to 8 feet bgs. Fine <br /> grained soils ranging from sandy silt to silt clay were encountered from <br /> 8 feet bgs to approximately 17 feet bgs. Sandy silt, silty sand, and <br /> sands were present from approximately 17 feet bgs to the total depth <br /> of the wells. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 16 '/2 to <br /> 18 feet bgs in the borings and stabilized between 13.58 and 14.90 feet <br /> bgs in the monitoring wells. <br /> • Soil Sampling and Analysis. Selected soil samples collected from <br /> each boring were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as <br /> gasoline (TPH-g) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX <br /> 7G60o-022-02/weu install <br />