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N <br /> 29 December 2006 <br /> AGE-NC Project No . 00-0769 <br /> Page 4 of 5 <br /> 3.0. FIELD PROCEDURES <br /> All field procedures will be overseen by an AGE representative under the supervision of a California <br /> Professional Geologist. Procedures for the CPT advancement for the collection of ground water <br /> samples are outlined below. <br /> 3 . 1 . CPT ADVANCEMENT AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLE COLLECTION <br /> CPT soil borings will be advanced to depths of 200 feet bsg utilizing a 25 -ton truck-mounted CPT <br /> drill rig equipped with 2-inch diameter hollow-stem rods. The first soil boring will utilize ahydraulic <br /> ram to advance a cone penetrometer to the desired depth. Soil parameters such as cone bearing, <br /> sleeve friction, friction ration and pore water pressure will be measured as the cone penetrometer is <br /> advanced. Rinseate generated during drilling activities will be containerized in properly labeled <br /> D. O.T. 55-gallon drums, and stored on-site in an area lacking public access. Disposal alternatives <br /> will be evaluated at a later date based on laboratory results of rinseate. <br /> An individual soil boring will be located adjacent the first CPT boring for ground water sample <br /> collection. Based on CPT findings, discrete grab ground water samples will be collected in intervals <br /> ofporous and permeable material beginning at a depth of approximately 40 feet bsg to the total depth <br /> of the borings. A HydroPunch sample tool will be pushed into the specified zone, then withdrawn <br /> approximately two feet to expose an inlet screen. If ground water does not develop within the well <br /> screen, an additional two feet of screen will be exposed. The interior of the sampling tool fills with <br /> water and a 1 -inch outer diameter (O.D.) stainless steel bailer will be lowered and utilized to extract <br /> a ground water sample. All rinseate generated during drilling activities will be containerized in <br /> properly labeled DOT-approved 55 gallon drums, and will be stored on-site in an area lacking public <br /> access. All soil borings will be backfilled over their entire depth with a portland cement grout mix. <br /> Following sample collection, the samples will be placed in laboratory-supplied containers and <br /> transported under chain-of-custody to a DHS-certified laboratory. <br /> 3 .2. BOREHOLE ABANDONMENT <br /> Following borehole (CPT) advancement, portland cement (grout mix) will be utilized to backfill <br /> each borehole utilizing a tremie pipe. The EHD will be provided notice for inspection of the grout <br /> mix prior to backfilling activities. <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmentai, Inc. <br />