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Page 2 <br /> Mr Michael lnfurna Jr <br /> June 2, 1998 <br /> t block to the north on the east side of South Center Street The closest private residence <br /> to the former UST area is about 150 feet away to the southwest The closest surface <br /> water body is the Mormon Slough, located about 4,500 feet to the north <br /> UST Removal <br /> rA 1,000-gallon gasoline UST, located beneath the sidewalk along South Center Street, <br /> and an associated fuel dispenser located within the property building, were removed in <br /> December 1990 (see Figure 2, Site Map) Philip, then known as John Mathes & <br /> Associates, provided engineering oversight during this removal Recorded observations <br /> made during the removal indicate that the UST was in good structural condition with no <br /> apparent holes or leakage <br /> A review of information from Philip's files indicate that the UST's product piping was <br /> at least removed from the UST to the property building in December 1990 It was not <br /> evident from the records that the remaining piping, which continued under the building <br /> slab to the fuel dispenser, was properly abandoned-in-place in accordance with current <br /> San Joaquin County regulations These regulations direct that abandoned-in-place <br /> piping be pressure grouted throughout its entirety <br /> Approximately 18 cubic yards of excavated soil was stockpiled adjacent to the property <br /> building along Third Street This soil was properly disposed of at the Forward Landfill <br /> in Manteca, California on June 6, 1995 Soil disposal documentation has previously <br /> been submitted to San Joaquin County <br /> tFollowing the UST removal, in December 1990, four soil samples were collected from <br /> the bottom of the excavation (see Figure 2) These samples, designated <br /> STK-IN, STK-1 E, STK-IS, and STK-1W were collected from the northern, eastern, <br /> southern, and western areas of the tank pit, respectively Two soil samples, designated <br /> STK-PP1 and STK-PP2 were collected on January 23, 1991 beneath the alignment of - <br /> the product piping Samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons-gasoline <br /> (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) constituents Analytical <br /> results are presented in the following table <br />