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f <br /> taken from either of the soil borings <br /> A monitoring well(MW 1)was constructed in the area of Tank 43 with a twenty-foot screen setting <br /> at a bottom depth of 50 feet After well development and purging, water samples were extracted <br /> and analyzed for BTEX,TPHg and MTBE Free product was found in MW 1,and the water sample <br /> was contaminated with gasoline <br /> On 6/15198,a report of the findings was issued on Phase 1 of this site investigation and further site <br /> investigation work was recommended In answer to the Phase 1 report,Mr Michael Infurna of the <br /> PHS-EHD requested that a Work Plan be formulated to assess the extent of the contamination <br /> plume Mr Huckins ordered that pre-approval be obtained from the UST Clean-up Fund and the <br /> Work Plan be constructed A well permit was obtain from the PHS-EHD on 219/99,and the owner <br /> was notified construction would begin on 3/08/99 <br /> On 3/08199 work was started on the bore hole for MW2A to a depth of 120 feet The monitoring <br /> well was completed on 3/9/99 The bore hole for MW3A was started on 3/10/99 to a depth of 105 <br /> feet and the monitoring well was completed on 3/11/1999 MW213 and MW313 were installed on <br /> 3/12/99 <br /> INTERIM REPORT OF FINDINGS <br /> Soil Boring Procedure <br /> Only the bore holes for MW2A and MW3A were sampled and logged Soil samples were extracted <br /> at five foot intervals on both bonngs An eight inch hollow stem auger with a two-inch split spoon <br /> sampler was used for all soil samples The depth of each soil boring was determined by visual and <br /> odor reference Each boring was completed to the depth determined to be the vertical extent of the <br /> contamination plume <br /> The soil borings for MW213 and MW313 were made to existing ground water plus ten feet These <br /> bore holes were not sampled, as they were less than ten feet from the respective soil boring of <br /> MW2A and MW3A which were sampled to a greater depth <br /> Soil Sample Analysis Results <br /> Soil samples from the soil boring of MW2A indicate that the contamination plume begins at <br /> twenty feet below the surface and continues to a depth of 120 feet MW3A produced contaminated <br /> samples from a depth of thirty feet to a depth of 105 feet below the surface The most concentrated <br /> contamination lies between thirty and sixty feet below the surface with both bore holes (see <br /> attached summary of soil sample results from all 44 soil samples) <br /> Monitoring Well Construction and Sampling <br /> The four monitoring wells were constructed in their respective soil borings as discussed above(see <br /> attached sketch for the construction of the monitoring wells) Del-Tech Geotechnical developed <br />. each well to the standards of the industry The monitoring wells were all sampled on 04/02/99 <br /> All wells produced samples that were contaminated by BTEX and TPHgas All samples were <br /> 2 <br />